The VSF was planted and 24 men gathered on this cold morning. The day started with stories of yesterday’s EPIC A51 Turkey Bowl and discussion of how sore everyone is following that game.
10 Hand Release Burpees OYO (Audible – eveyone does HR burpees until Spackler does 10…#refusenick)
Jog to other end of parking lot
10 Double Burpees OYO
Jog to top of stadium stairs
10 Diamond Burpees OYO
Jog to mid-field
Form two lines facing each other
Line of Pain (LOP):
Break into 6 groups of 4 and mosey to base of stadium steps. Each group takes one aisle. 1 pax completes stair exercise while other 3 pax perform called exercise. Rotate until all pax have done stairs.
Hand off to Bulldog.
Partner up on goal line. Partner 1 sprint to 10 yard line/1 burpee and sprint back to partner. Partner 2 sprints to 20 yard line/ 2 burpees and sprint back to partner. Increase up to 100 yards and 10 burpees.
Active recovery: wheel barrow partner and merkin every 5 yards til failure. Flap jack and partner comes back.
Mosey to track and partner up according to speed. Race 200 yards opposite ways around track. Loser 10 diamond merkins winner 5. Repeato back opposite direction.
Peoples chair with air presses x 20.
Derkins on wall x 5 in cadence.
Peoples chair with air presses x 15.
Nipplers x 15 in cadence.
Mosey to playground.
Partner 1 touch blue door Partner 2 pull-ups. Flapjack.
Repeat with dips.
Three mins of Mary.
Fast mosey back to cars for COT.
Ye Ole Moleskin:
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