Ausman Domination

  • When:11/26/14
  • QIC: Baracus
  • The PAX: Blue Rhino, Oswald, Ruby, Prohibition, Bridges, Horsehead, Johnny Fever (FNG John A.), Kim Possible, John Deere, DDs, Baracus (QIC)

Ausman Domination

“A beautiful Wednesday morning for a workout,” said nobody in attendance at The Charge.  The crowd of 11 men resisted the allure of a warm fartsack, and all were anxious to get to it and avoid the chill of the late November drizzle.  In the words of the wise Horsehead…”the only thing more stupid than working out in the rain is standing here in the rain,” so we got a 15 second head start and here’s what we did:

Warm-up: Jog to football field.

COP (on field):

  • SSH x25
  • Merkins x10
  • IW x25
  • Merkins x10
  • Slow Squat x25
  • Merkins x10
  • Mtn climbers x25
  • Merkins x10
  • LBC x25
  • Merkins x10

Track work:

  • Sprint 200m / Jog 200m
  • Lunge walk 100m (1/4 of track)
  • Sprint 100m / Jog 200m
  • 25 squats, 10 burpees, 25 merkins
  • Jog 200m / Sprint 200m
  • 30 alternating lunges (15 each leg), 25 merkins, 25 squats
  • Jog 200m / Sprint 200m
  • Jog 200m / Sprint 200m

Mosey to bleachers

Bleacher work:

  • Run steps – one time up, one time down.
  • 10 step ups, 10 tricep dips, 10 derkins
  • Run steps – two times up, two times down
  • 15 step ups, 15 tricep dips, 15 derkins
  • Run steps – three times up, three times down
  • 20 step ups, 20 tricep dips, 20 derkins

6 Minutes of Mary

  • LBC x15 IC
  • 1-legged Dolly x15 IC (R/L)
  • CCV x13 IC
  • Makthar Ndjiaye x15 IC
  • Flutter x15 IC

Mosey back to the parking lot for COT

Ye Olde Naked Moleskin:

We had a nice size crowd this morning considering the weather.  Apparently there are many men who plan on grubbin’ it up tomorrow on Thanksgiving and felt the need to part with a few of the extra calories ahead of time.  Good news guys…you probably burned off a helping of mashed potatoes and a slice of pumpkin pie this morning…well done!

Oh…the other factor driving attendance might have had something to do with the entire Ausman brotherhood converging there too.  We had five brothers in attendance, including the oldest (FNG Johnny Fever) who came all the way from Cincinnati just to work out in the rain. Impressive!  Apparently the invitation went to extended family as well as an Ausman cousin decided to hit the track with an umbrella for a nice, brisk walk on a lovely morning.  Kudos to whoever is hosting Thanksgiving dinner for this clan tomorrow!  Going to need to feed an army.

Great seeing our regulars pushing it out there (DDs, John Deere, Bridges)!  I know I’m a new regular, but also nice to see a few faces out there I haven’t seen yet at The Charge (Horsehead, Kim Possible).  Last but not least…it was very cool to see all five Ausman brothers come together and work hard (Prohibition, Blue Rhino, Oswald, Ruby, and Johnny Fever).  Great work all of you!  You’ve earned a second helping tomorrow!

Thanks Horsehead for taking us out with the strong prayer!


  • Turkeybowl tomorrow at Olde Providence Elementary – 7am start.  Comment on the pre blast if you plan to join.
  • Kevlar will converge at Joust on Friday – Charlotte Christian
  • Joe Davis Run – Jan.10th


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Baracus author

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