Over the river and thru the woods

  • When:11/21/2014
  • QIC: Champagne
  • The PAX: Madame Tussaud, Big Tuna, Dear Abby (site FNG and WB), Might Might, Chipotle, Wingman, Mr. Bean

Over the river and thru the woods

9 SOBs gathered for another tour of the Ballantyne AO with The Brave.

SF was planted – Thanks Madame for shiny new The Brave SF.

No FNGs (Dear Abby was a site FNG) so off we went.

Quick mosey up by CVS and by two of the Stonehenge Christmas trees waiting to be decorated.

Continue mosey up Ballantnyne Commons Parkway to the Premier deck – throw in a little back and forth hill runs to warm up the legs.

Group up at bottom level of the deck. AYG up the first ramp, then 10 burpees OYO, mosey to bottom of next ramp, AYG up next ramp, then 9 burpees OYO. Mosey to bottom of next ramp, AYG up next ramp, then 8 burpees OYO. Mosey to bottom of last ramp, AYG up last ramp, then 8 burpees OYO.

Head back down stairs – Continue running down Ballantyne Corp place past SPX Building, cross bridge and turn right. Stop and do merkins in cadence waiting on six.

Continue behind building and run back and forth around trees to back pond. Around pond back to parking lot.

Group back up – 10 spiderman merkins in cadence.

Run back around lake and turn ride to cross bridge – bearcrawl across bridge.

Mosey uphill for another quick circuit. Lap around lake, and wall climb x 3

Mosey by next building and line up – Bear crawl 5 parking spaces, 10 CDD, Lunge walk 5 spaces, 10 jump squats
Rinse repeat to other end of parking lot.

Mosey over to big wall – climb 10 times, alternating which foot you top the wall with.

Mosey over around next big lake back up to parking lot and quick mosey to the next lake.

Line up at bottom of hill – broad jump up the hill, the back down, 10 diamond merkins and lap around the lake.

Quick mosey to exercise trail, with a merkin stop along the way to wait on the six.

Head to exercise trail for low arm walk x 2

Quick Mosey back to launch.

Total distance = 5.03 miles covered with lots of other fun stuff thrown in – solid work by all today.


Not much mumblechatter today, everyone was getting after it. The AYG ramp runs with burpees is a most unsavory way to start a workout.

It’s an honor to lead such a great group of men. Thank you for the privilege.


Yesterday was the last day for signing up for Area 51 Christmas party but you can still get in – please follow up with Prohibition -the party Q.

Sign up for the Joe Davis Run and join the Area 51 team

Last Day for shoes – if you have them please contact Joker

F3 Owned this year’s Thunder Road.

That’s it.

Champagne out.

About the author

Champagne author

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