Door #1 it is…

  • When:11/20/14
  • QIC: High Tide
  • The PAX: Big League Chew (WD), Probation (WB), High Tide (QIC)

Door #1 it is…

3 pax chose the black pill (with a handy handle), eager to get their swole on.  YHC had tweeted that two Weinkes were ready, depending on the pax that posted.  With grizzled veterans on hand, here’s what we found behind Door (Weinke) #1:

The Thang


  • Minimally expressed disclosure given, befitting the experienced pax
  • SSH – 15 IC
  • IW – 15 IC
  • Slow, Low Squats – 15 IC
  • Merkins – 15 IC
  • Good Mornings – forgot them
  • Turkish Getups – 2 per side with a heavy bell – should have forgot them #crowdpleaser

Circuit 1:

  • 5 high pulls
  • 5 cleans
  • 5 squat thrusters (deep squat exploding into a full overhead press)
  • Switch sides
  • Rinse and repeat for 15 minutes


  • Russian Twist – 10 IC, touching the ground with bell on each side
  • Flutter with Press – 15 IC
  • Situps – 10 IC, touching ground behind head and beside feet
  • Dolly with Press – 15 IC
  • Louganis – who needs it? #audible

Circuit 2:

  • 5 pullups
  • 10 merkins
  • 15 teabag squats with heavy bell
  • Rinse & repeat for 10 minutes

Bonus work (OYO):

  • 2-hand swings
  • Good mornings
  • Snatches
  • Unsanctioned 2-hand curls




  1. Shoe Drive – get ’em in, if it’s not already too late (YHC, I’m talking to you…)
  2. Area 51 Christmas Party – today is the last day to HC
  3. Joe Davis run – Jan 10 – 5k, 10k, & 15k options – supporting addiction treatment
  4. Watch for preorder opportunity for gear-workout shirt option – sleeveless, of course – just in time for winter.  Coming very soon!

Fully-clothed Moleskin:

Great workout today – warmer than yesterday, no running, and a small group which enabled easy conversation and experimentation with various KB’s.

Didn’t realize until writing up the backblast that the Good Mornings were skipped in the COP/warmup, but no matter.  We were warm anyway and worked in the GM’s in the end.

Coulda, shoulda done more TGU’s, but YHC was too eager to get on with the program.  The pax didn’t seem to mind.  No one really likes TGU’s.

Thrusters will seriously wind you – which is why we did them.  Each of us took a turn on a heavier bell (24 kg) for one set during Circuit 1, before quickly returning to the relative safety of the bell from whence we came (45#).

Mary came early to allow us to catch our breath before Circuit 2.  Key learning: Russian Twists are considerably harder when touching the ground on each side versus our usual variety (not touching the ground).  Comments of sore abs were expressed early on during Mary.  Contributing factor may have been the 28 kg that Probation was using for the pressing moves. #beastmode

On the playground, we were all reminded that pull-ups never get easier.  Which is why YHC likes to work them as often as we can.  Every AO doesn’t have the facilities to do pull-ups, leaving us with predominantly pushing exercises, so count on them whenever YHC Q’s a workout that supports them.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today, guys.  Always an honor.


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