Leonid Meteor Shower Party at The Charge

  • When:11/19/14
  • QIC: Booty
  • The PAX: Chowda, DDs, Wabbit, Section 8, Dick Clark, Bullwinkle, Stone Cold, Baracus, 50 Shades, High Tide, Bridges, Voodoo, John Deere, Booty (QIC)

Leonid Meteor Shower Party at The Charge

Posted on behalf of Booty…

14 men emerged from the comforts of their internal combustion engine vehicles into a frosty 23 degree darkness with the hopes of a solid beatdown to, frankly, prevent freezing.  As it were, the frozen remnants of a comet creating the Leonid meteor shower were streaking overhead and plummeting through the atmosphere with color and aplomb that even Bill Nye would envy.  However, nary a gaze was upward as business was at hand.  To wit, BA had issued a Shoes vs Burpee Challenge to the pax for the final week of #SoleRedemption, and while the pax collectively reviewed the pairs of shoes on the ground, it was calculated using a ridiculous math equation that 25 burpees were to be paid.

And without further ado, we proceded to The Thang:

Mosey to upper loop lot

  • 5 burpees & 10 merkins OYO (these burpees did not count, btw)

Mosey to stadium steps

  • Up/Down each set of stairs, mosey around back and to the center of the turf pitch.


  • SSH x 20
  • Imperial Squat x 20
  • Merkin x 15
  • Mtn Climber x 15
  • Carolina Drydock x 10
  • Freddie Mercury x 20

Mosey to track and partner up for Backward Burpee Chase

  • Partner 1 run backwards, Partner 2 does 3 burpees and gives chase
  • Upon the catch, flapjack.  Complete 1 lap and wait for the Six.

Pain Stations with Steps:

  • Run the track, stopping every 100m for 10 merkins and 10 sumo jump squats.
  • After 3 pain stations, exit track, run to stadium steps and complete loop from warmup, return to track and wait for the Six.

Repeato Backward Burpee Chase for 2 laps.

Repeato Pain Stations with Steps.

Mosey to infield.

  • Circle up and all do SSH while intermittently doing 1 burpee in countarama fashion from the pax until we hit the 25 burpees owed. Ouch.

Mary until the end.


  • Backwards running is DD’s wheelhouse without question.  With his line of work it makes sense! #soccer
  • Sole Redemption delivery is this Saturday.  Bridges reports final count will be somewhere between 35-40 pairs of shoes for The Charge.  Solid work.
  • Convergence workouts for Thanksgiving, check the website.
  • Organized run in January created by an F3 brother, check out the pre-blast on F3Nation.com. http://f3nation.com/2014/10/17/2015-joe-davis-memorial-run-preblast-registration/
  • Thanks to Stone Cold for solid prayer to take us out.

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Baracus author

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