Frozen Seafood

  • When:11/19/2014
  • QIC: Lobsta Roll
  • The PAX: Mermaid, Hannibal, Boutique, Rehab (WB), Icky Shuffle, Mr. Brady (WD), Margo, Scabby, Turkey Leg, Lobsta Roll (QIC)

Frozen Seafood

VSF planted firmly for the 10 strong PAX.  Real SF given the morning off due to frozen tundra.  Lobsta Roll cruised in with 90 seconds to spare, gave a quick disclaimer, and off we went to get warm.  Note: Mermaid is YHC for this post.  LR is DR today and does not have website post privileges.


Half mile mosey through the parking lots over to the Life Center.  Circle up.


SSH x 25 IC

IW x 25 IC

Squat x 25 IC

Peter Parker x 20 IC

Parker Peter x 20 IC

Mosey around the front of the Sanctuary to middle of the field between 51/Rae/Entrance 3.


Run to designated spots in Starfish pattern at corners of the field and do called exercise.  Run back to center and do 10 burpees OYO.  This starfish had 4 legs.

1. 50 merkin  2. 50 wide merkin  3. 25 diamond merkin  4. 25 HR merkin

Plank-o-rama after 10 burpees at center to wait for six.  Mosey through the field past entrance 3 down the hill to the bottom of North Face.

North Face Squat Set

Start at bottom.  25 jump squat.  Sprint to top.  25 jump squat.  Plank-o-rama.  Repeato


Mosey through campus to rock pile and grab exercise rock.

Rock Set

Press x 15 IC/Tri Extension x 15 IC/Press x 15 IC/Curl x 15 IC


Mosey back to launch lot.


Flutter x 25 IC/Dolly x 25 IC/Mason Twist x 25 IC


10 hearty PAX today for a Lobsta Roll painfest.  As usual, it was a smoker.  All PAX worked hard for the duration.  We covered most of the campus in the 16 degree morning.  Not much mumblechatter today.  Cold temps make O2 deprivation occur faster and with less exertion.  Starfish hurt with 150 merkin and 40 burpees.  Ending with 25 HR merkins certainly makes you aware of your shoulders and chest.  Quick switch of gears for a leg beating at North Face and then onto the shoulders and arms with the rocks.  Great balance for a total body workout today.  T-claps to Lobsta Roll for the leadership today and to Hannibal for taking us out in BOM.

Young Love is on IR.  Cane out with illness in his family as of late.  Nothing too serious, but enough to keep him away.  Hope you guys are back at it soon.

YHC will be at Anvil next week for some pre-Thanksgiving work courtesy of Champagne.  Initially thought travel plans included Tuesday evening departure.  Not so.


A51 Christmas Party.  12/6 at Sugar Creek Brewery.  Hard Commit by Thursday 11/20 via PayPal link.  Email sent to all PAX with link.  HC by tomorrow.

Last week for shoe donations for Project Sole Redemption.  A51 collected over 300 pairs.  Last minute donations appreciated.  Good work men.

Joe Davis Memorial Run.  1/10/2014 in Fort Mill.  Sign up and run it.  Support Rock Thrill and this important charity.


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Mermaid administrator

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