Taming the Bull

  • When:11/18/14
  • QIC: Frasier
  • The PAX: Wingman, Madame Tussaud, Honey Bee (warm up), Out Cold (warm up), Frasier (Q)

Taming the Bull

Five brave men showed up at 5:15 for the launch of swift.  Despite the wind and the cold off we went.  Honey Bee and Out Cold off of their top ten performances at the Thunder Road decided to do the one mile warmup with us before returning to Bagpipe.  That left us with three.


Warm up: Calf raises, hell raises, butt kickers, high knees, skipping that is not skipping and bounders.

Instructions were given to run at your 10K pace in preparation for the Joe Davis Memorial race in January.  Return to the six after each segment.

We did a pyramid starting with two laps equaling one mile around the bull ring followed by one minute of rest.

One lap around the bull ring resting forty five seconds.

Half a lap around the bull ring resting thirty seconds followed by another half lap returning to our starting point.

Last part of the circuit was a quarter lap around the bull ring resting fifteen seconds between segments.  Complete this until we return to the starting point.

Rest forty five seconds and work our way back to the top starting with half the bull ring all the way back to two laps around the bull ring.

A total of over six miles by all with warm up and circuit work.


It was chilly out there today with the wind.  It took a while to warm up but once we did the Pax were flying.  Madame and Wingman were working hard pushing through every segment.  Wingman is preparing for his half marathon in January and he looks in top form.  Madame continues to get faster and faster each week.  He will be a beast come mud run time.

Great work by everyone and I appreciate the opportunity to be a guest Q at swift.


Last week of sole redemption.

Sign up for the F3 Christmas party.

Sign up for the Joe Davis Memorial race.  Check the website.

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Frasier author

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