Sounds of the 70s

  • When:11/17/2014
  • QIC: Wingman
  • The PAX: Mic Check, Loogie, Steak-Um, Ripcurl, Wingman (QIC)

Sounds of the 70s

YHC had planned on playing some music out there this morning to inspire Frehley’s Comet.  With him as a no-show and the impending gloom, the tunes where left in the car.  Maybe it will show on Saturday.

The Thang
Run a lap around the lot for warm-up
SSH x25 IC
Imperial Walker x25 IC
Front Lunge x5 IC
Mountain Climbers x25 IC

Mosey to Playground
3 Sets of the follwing exercices:
1st: set of 10s, 2nd: set of 20s, 3rd: set of 10s
Dead Lift
Upright row
Two-Handed Swing
Goblet Squats
Tricep Extensions

Use Playground
10 Dips with Bell
10 Pull-ups
Plank-o-rama between sets

Mosey to the Wall
1 Minute of Semi-gloss
30 Seconds of Sac-Dragger with 10 upright rows

Seven Minutes of Mary – Pax choice
Dolly with Press x 20 (Mic Check) IC
Dying Cockroach (Loogie) x 10 OYO
Protractor (Ripcurl) – various angles of unpleasantries
Flutter with Press (Wingman) x 20

Head Home

We got lucky out there this morning.  Rained only a few drops during the warm-up.  I think the regular PAX got scared.  Those who showed got a proper beatdown.  YHC opted for a no-run workout and thinks it turned out alright.  Some idle chatter around Panthers and Wolfpack and maybe some other chatter left out in the gloom.  Always an honor to lead and fun trying to come up with something else to entertain and destroy.  Welcome to Steak-Um site FNG.  Great to have you out today.   Hope to see you back in the gloom next Monday brother.

Holiday Party – sign-ups close soon
Joe Davis – sign up for a discount now or sign up later at full price.  Either way a win and a good time for a good cause
Shoes – small opportunity for shoes left.  Bring them tomorrow to #Bagpipe

About the author

wingman administrator

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