


one last time







19 supporters joined Spack today for a little pyramid and partner work at #F3RebelYell.  Here is how it went down:

No warm up and really no disclaimer (sorry TR)

Jog around theatre.  Pyramid work around the theatre.

10 squats

20 hand release merkins

30 CDD’s

40 calf raises

2 min of plank work then complete the pyramid

40 squats

30 calf raises

20 CDD’s

10 hand release merkins

2 min of wall chair with hand raises

Mosey behind dumpster to get a rock.  Partner up.

Partner 1 runs up/down hill 3 times while partner 2 performs exercise / flapjack.  Exercises included:


Overhead press

Good mornings

LBC w rock

Alternating merkins with rock


Dolly with/without rock

Backscratcher – partner has to run hill backwards 3 times (crowd pleaser)

Time runs out.


Great work by all today.  Going to be the last ‘warm’ morning for awhile I’m sure.  Hope your legs enjoyed all the hill work.  Went through a few ‘one last times’ but it just felt too good to give up.  Some observations/thoughts for the day:

  • Freud was killing it on the hills.  That’s what you do when in your early 20’s.  Love having you out there to help push us.
  • WTH is happening with the carpoolers in Heartbreaker and Strawberry?  Might have to do a sweep of the vehicle for whatever kind of power boosters these guys are popping before the work out.  Impressive work.  And still a bit weird with the carpool thing.
  • The Q didn’t spill but could have easily.  Been fighting off a ‘cold’ all week.  Shakes/sweats etc.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
  • Not sure how but Gloss kept his shirt on today.  He did go sockless following and if you got close you could tell.  Halitosis of the foot.
  • Haze took a nice break from his marathon training thinking he’d get some nice mileage with YHC leading.  You got served with hill work.  Consider it your punishment for missing so many weeks at RY.
  • Big Black got approached by a slow drive-by following the work out so I approached the car to find a guy asking what the heck we were doing.  I tried to EH him for another day.  He said he would try but with it being the end of the year and Holidays and all……which leads me to my next and final point……..
  • The Holidays are coming up and I know most of us have a lot of parties this time of year with a ton of booze and food.  I know I partake too much this time of year so I would like to challenge everyone to try and keep everything in moderation over the Holidays.  I know, I know for most of you that really know me you are laughing.  But, I am going to really try and cut back on the bad this season (booze, junk food, bad habits) and really try to make an effort to enjoy the good (family, friends and giving).  Hope you will do the same.


#SoleRedemption is coming to an end.  Get shoes in by tomorrow to whichever site you attend.

Sign up for the A51 Christmas party by the 20th of November.  Check site for details

Sign up for the Joe Davis Memorial 5k/10k.  Details are on the website as well.





    About the author

    Spackler author

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    Purple Haze
    9 years ago

    Nice Q Spack. What I didn’t get in mileage, I got in quality O2 dep.

    Just cued up The Christmas Song and reread your last paragraph, uncontrollable tears streaming down my face.

    9 years ago

    Nice Q Spackler. Even if you didn’t merlot, would of hate seeing you hit by the hybrid coming down the road. Look both ways before you cross. Blame it on the cold for not thinking.

    Reply to  Spackler
    9 years ago

    Hybrid could fit in BBC’s bed

    Reply to  Spackler
    9 years ago

    Btw – carpooling isn’t wierd when you live 3 doors down. better motivation when you are directly responsible for each other. Iron sharpens iron

    9 years ago

    Cute, it’s down right adorable. Maybe we should but some bows and streamers around your car and have it meet BBC

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