F3 Storms AG – In the afternoon

  • When:11/13/14
  • QIC: Cadillac
  • The PAX: Cadillac, Chelms, Barnabus, Oscar, Leroy, Super Dave, Reverand Florida, Tryon, Field of Dreams, FOD 2.0, David Price (sorry brother - your only man in F3 whose real name I know but not F3 name).

F3 Storms AG – In the afternoon

Ten men of purpose and 1 2.0 gathered at AG for some #impact with approximately 30 young men at Bull Dogs Matters after school (one brave soul agreed to assist two female friends in conducting some team building with the girls – real men aren’t afraid of teenage girls).

Cadillac divided up the boys into teams of four for some competition for milky ways, M&M’s, Twix, and other goodies.  Each team of four boys had to decide which team member was assigned to each  identifier provided by Cadillac (longest, fastest, tallest, etc).   The teams competed in each round with the winner getting 3 points, 2nd place getting 2 and 3rd place getting 1.    Team with most points at the end got to select from prizes in Chelms “ruck sack” (sounds cooler than book bag).

Round 1 – Tallest thumb, fastest crab walk, most hand release merkins, and highest jump

Round 2 – Fastest suicide runner, longest foot, most burpees, longest coin spinner

We ran out of time due to late start but Cadillac will surely return to Thunder dome soon.  Special note – Chelms team won but I didn’t take any candy.

The kids had a great time and it was a great turnout by the men of F3.   I feel blessed to have such great men venture into unknown territory but know the kids at AG will benefit from our involvement.

Special shout out to David Price for agreeing to lone wolf it with the females.  Not really combat duty but tough in any case.

CALL OUT – I’m looking for other PAX to lead a Thursday.  Tryon is working on giant Jinga and Rev Florida has the play book to find some ideas.  Let me know if interested in leading and I’ll be glad to help.  This would be a GREAT mentor/mentee event.


About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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