Stairwell to Heaven, Heels to

  • When:11/11/2014
  • QIC: Wingman
  • The PAX: Morning After, Puppy Love, FNG Nick (Wild Turkey), Fluttie Flakes, Spinner, Philmont, Chippy, Heartbreaker, Frehleys Comet, Haggis, Mic Check, Bratwurst, Skywalker, About Time, Mermaid, Rump Roast, Long Haul, Brisket, Honey Bee, Dumpster Fire, Go Daddy, Garbage Plate, Peaches, Turnpike, Outback, Wingman

Stairwell to Heaven, Heels to

We laced up our shoes and took off towards the decks this morning.

The Thang
SSH x 25
Front Lunge x 5
Imperial Walker x 25
Side Lunge x 5
Merkins x 20

Mosey to the Premiere Deck
Count of by twos and separate, then partner up. Ones to the right stairwell, Twos to the left stairwell. We are about to run the stairwells and need to slim down the pax.
Partner 1: run up 5 flights and down. Twice
Partner 2: 20 Merkins, 20 LBC, 20 Squats, Repeato until partner is back.

Deck Ladder
1: 10 Burpees
2: 20 Merkins
3: 30 LBC IC
4: 20 Bicycle IC
5: 25 Heels to Heaven IC
Varios plank positions assumed while PAX bottleneck in the stairwell
Ladder back down

Mosey Home
Standard situps are called as we wait for the six at the resort
Plank fest at Gateway to Ballantyne waiting on the light
Run it home.

Always an honor and a challenge to lead the PAX.  Learn something new each time.  QIC Called for bicycles and honored Puppy Love in the process.  He decided to take over.  No sense in arguing, let him have it on downward ladder as well.  Always have more planned than time on 45 minutes and takes a few to get there.  Good running pace though.

About the author

wingman administrator

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