The Brave – First round of Ranger PT Test in the books

  • When:11/07/2014
  • QIC: Champagne
  • The PAX: Madame Tussaud, Honey Bee, Soft Pretzel, Haggis, Chipoltle, Hairball

The Brave – First round of Ranger PT Test in the books

Yes YHC is tardy in getting the BB up. ITs been due to working on improving YHC sit-up score.

7 SOBs decided to deny the warm fartsack to see how they measured up with the Ranger PT Test.

Great work by all involved. Lots of Larry Birds out there across the board today.

Results have been spreadsheeted for future comparsion.

A few key observations:

YHC can’t do old school sit-ups worth are darn – kryptonite. Need to fix that stat. Only managed 39 in 2 minutes. YHC was lapped by a few people…

Honeybee needs to fix his Weatherdotcom app so it doesn’t give him weather in FL. It told him it was short sleeves weather. Which was true if you think sub 40s is short sleeves weather.

Haggis and MT are both beasts in push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups – granted there was some discussion around MT’s pull-up form.

Great work all around out there and thank you for the opportunity to lead this great group of men. Its aways an honor.


Bring your shoes – we have until Nov. 22

Joe Davis 5K and 10K – on the main page – sign up.

Area 51 Christmas Party – see the Pre-Blast for it under S. Charlotte and get signed up by Nov 20th. Prohabition needs HCs to setup the food.

Thats all YHC’s got.

Champagne Out.

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Champagne author

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