Cold Iron at the Foxhole

  • When:11/10/14
  • QIC: Honey Bee
  • The PAX: Market Timer, Philmont, Frehley's, Mic Check, Mighty Mite, Loogie, Rock Thrill, Outback, Rip Curl, Pebbles, Wingman, Boutique, Icky Shuffle, Honey Bee

Cold Iron at the Foxhole

14 of the strongest SOB’s (Sons of Ballantyne) around assembled at the luxurious Elon Park Elementary to put some cold iron to work this morning.

There was some mumble chatter early on about YHC’s inexplicable absence for several months and there was concern that the warmup jog may extend to 12 or 13 miles.  However, it was a short jaunt and we soon circled up for the customary warmup COP.

Here’s what happened from there:

– SSH x 30, fwd lunge x 10, IW x 20, side lunge x 10, mtn climbers x 20, merkins x 20

– reassemble at the bells and find a partner (this took much longer than one would have thought.  It resembled a mulling around speed dating situation.

– Once suitable partners were found, we performed 5 burpees / partner catch me if you can the long way down to the field (Tweet said light on running not no running)

– Circle up and catch our breath with some plank-o-rama

Perform a circuit of 3 excercises rotated through 3 times

– 2 handed swings x 20 x 3

– Merkins with alternating hand on KB x 20 (crowd pleaser) x 3

– Clean & Press x 20 alternating hands x 3

Line up on side line

– Plank carry the KB to mid-field & ball dragger (duck walk) to other side line

– LBC w/ KB x 40

– Plank carry the KB to mid-field & ball dragger (duck walk) to other side line

– Dying cockroach with bell x 40

Line of Pain

– J-Lo x 20

– Monkey Humpers x 20 (ouch!)

– Dolly w/ KB Press x 15

– Rosalita x 15

Back to cars for one last thrust (in an uncomfortably tight COP)

– 2-hand overhead press x 20

– 1-hand swings x 10 each arm (thank goodness no one let go of a bell)

– Bicep curls x 20 + half way down x 10 + half way up x 10


Announcements –

– Bring in shoes this week to a workout near you (thanks RT for the huge back of shoes today!)

– Sign up for the Joe Davis 5k or 10k (or both).  See the main page for details.

– Wingman is Q for Bagpipes tomorrow

About the author

Honey Bee author

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