Post Halloween Monster Mash

  • When:11/01/14
  • QIC: Ickey Shuffle
  • The PAX: Gullah, The Hoff (Ruck), Big League Chew, Voodoo, Ickey Shuffle

Post Halloween Monster Mash

On a cold, dark, rainy, dreary morning 5 of Area 51’s beastliest unshackled themselves from the day after Halloween fog to lift heavy objects, swing large hammers, pull stuff with ropes and do other various alpha male things.

The Undercard (Kettlebells):

  • 25 kettlebell swings
  • 10 overhead kettlebell squats – left hand
  • 10 overhead kettlebell squats – right hand
  • 25 kettlebell swings
  • 10 kettlebell snatches – left hand
  • 10 kettlebell snatches – right hand
  • 25 kettlebell swings
  • 10 kettlebell high pulls – left hand
  • 10 kettlebell high pulls – right hand
  • Repeat circuit dropping reps to 15/10

The Main Event (Gear Stations):

  • Jump Rope – the original plan was to have this station act as the timer and the PAX would rotate stations every 100 jumps but with only 5 we improvised
  • Wobble Merkins – wedge a small dumbbell under a 2 x 4
  • Dumbbell Thrusters
  • Kettlebell Rack Carry – A pair of 45 pound bells held in the clean/rack position and take them for a walk
  • Hit a Tire with a Sledgehammer – yes, it’s as awesome as it sounds
  • Lunge Walk with Dumbbell Curl
  • Medicine Ball Clean – Originally medicine ball situps were planned but an audible was called by YHC to reward the PAX who showed up by not lying on the wet ground
  • Bucket Carry – A big blue Lowe’s bucket filled up with dumbbells taken out for a stroll
  • 55 lb Kettlebell swing
  • Overhead kettlebell hold
  • Tractor Sled Pull – YHC does not own a sled so procedures were followed and modifications were made.  An old tire 7 rim combo had a rope tied around it and a big concrete block was put on top of the rim.  Note: The PAX broke the rope because mere Earthy materials are no match for Olympians

After a few rounds through the carnival of pain we headed to the covered corridor for some quasi-dry Mary

  • 15 Freddie Mercuries IC – Note: YHC does not have an especially loud voice, but the acoustics in the covered corridor amplify sound nicely
  • Big League Chew, an Ole Miss fan, was asked his prediction for today’s Ole Miss/Auburn contest and he believes his Rebel/Black Bear/Landsharks will triumph by a margin of 21-10
  • Elbow Plank for a 21 count
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 15 Flutter Kicks IC
  • Elbow Plank for a 21 count
  • 10 Standard Issue Merkins
  • 15 LBCs IC
  • Elbow Plank for a 21 count
  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins
  • Request instruction from The Hoff on how to do the Schwarzenegger abdominal exercise & upon receiving tutorial, perform 5 Schwarzeneggers
  • 5 James Browns – What is a James Brown you ask?  Well, we can contribute to the Lexicon at Olympus too so the James Brown is a Get Up! (Get On Up!)
  • Cool down mosey back to the cars for COT & BOM

Announcements – Gullah will be collecting shoes for #SoleRedemption but we all forgot to bring them today

Moleskin – Thank you to Gullah & The Hoff for entrusting me with the reins of Olympus for the week.  It was an honor and privilege to lead today in what has become one of YHC’s favorite hours of the entire week.  For those training for obstacle course races such as Leatherneck, Spartan, Tough Mudder, etc. YHC cannot recommend Olympus enough.  YHC has been posting at Olympus since August and at last week’s Spartan Super the strength based obstacles were no trouble at all compared to the weekly gumbo of manliness that goes down every Saturday morning.  Thanks to Big League chew for the takeout prayer, BLC will have the Q next week.  Note to self – the basketball hoop is a bit too tall to hang the TRX from so that was scratched.  Note to self part deaux – YHC is not very good at throwing the rope through the basketball hoop mounting bracket so the kettlebell hoist was scratched as well.

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Ickey Shuffle author

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