Overdrive had a visit from Richard Simmons

  • When:10/31/14
  • QIC: Hairband
  • The PAX: The Late Show, Turnpike, Hairband (QIC)

Overdrive had a visit from Richard Simmons

So Glass Joe texted yesterday letting me know he was down for the count and needed coverage for his Q this morning, so off I went to bring the pain to the Union County crew.

I pre blast tweeted no Richard Simmons after a Snowman led beatdown at Outland last week while the “spirit” of Richard Simmons seem to take over his mouth and body. Little did I know The Late Show would actually be early and dressed like Richard Simmons for the Halloween downPAINment this morning! He complained about being too cold in the tight short shorts and womanly shirt prior to the workout. I would have told him to suck it up but I was not comfortable and was totally fine with him getting changed. For everyone’s benefit there are no pictures either.

Sooo, here is Turnpike but where is everyone else?!
Bah! Let’s go!

The Thang…

SSH x 20
IW X 20
Peter Parkers X 10
Parker Peters X 10

Hair band mile… wait only 3 of us let’s explore a little of the AO, Hairband 5k! around the school to back walkway, bear crawl all the way up the continue running around to the busses.

Pain Stations:
Round 1 x 3
Stepups X 20
Dips X 30
Donkey kicks on wall X 10

Various plank work in between

Round 2 x 3
Incline Merkins X 20
Squats X 20
BTW presses X 5

Mosey to hill
20 LBCs at the bottom, 5 merkins at the top repeato x 5
20 Carolina Dry Docks at the bottom, 10 squats at the top repeato x 4 (I think)

Hairband mile for some active recovery

Plank up for some Manmakers
Merkin wave

Freddie Mercury

Aaaand that’s it!


The fartsack was strong this morning for some who were expected but unseen, others must have been saving energy for the walking & candy eating they will be doing tonight.

Richard Simmons was a sight, not sure if that would be considered comedy or horror. Great job to the PAX today though!

Tomorrow is the virgin Q of Turnpike! Who happens to be working until about 11:30 tonight so no excuses tomorrow morning at Outland, if he can be there so can you! Besides you will need to work off all the candy you will be eating tonight!

Please keep Electric Slide & more specifically his wife in your prayers as she just had surgery, I don’t want to put all the details here without his permission but contact me if you want more info.

Tomorrow at Outland, Drop Thrill is out so I will collect any shoes if you have them.

If I forgot something, give a shout out in the comments!

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Hair Band useradmin

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