Fine Print

  • When:10/31/14
  • QIC: Tiger Rag
  • The PAX: Header, Les Mis, Blue Rhino, Baracus, Horsehead, Strange Brew, Semi Gloss, Lobster Roll (Guido), Uncle Leo, Mr. Brady

Fine Print

Eleven pax gathered to commemorate the day Luther stuck it to the man.


  • 10 hand release burpees
  • Mosey to field, around track, and up the home bleachers.
  • SSH x 20, touch the fence and back
  • I Walkers x 20, touch the tables and back
  • Low Slow Squats, run to far playground and back
  • 10 hand release burpees, touch the fence, skip a step on the way back up
  • Low Slow Ferkins x 10
  • Mosey around track to the Gma’s bottom


  • First Evolution–Pax 1:  Run 400 around track and up Gma / Pax 2:  Hanging knees to elbows.  Flapjack for 2 rounds each.
  • Second Evolution–Pax 1: Run to opposite 30 yard line, up bleachers and back.  /  Pax 2:  Derkins with feet on fence.  Flapjack for 2 rounds each.
  • 10 hand release burpees
  • Third Evolution–Pax 1:  Run to the bottom of Gma, backwards run back up.  /  Pax 2: Squats or lunges.  Flapjack for 2 rounds each.
  • Field work:  Stop motion lunge walk, approx 15 yards, sprint to far goal line.
  • Reverse lunge walk, approx 10 yards, backwards run to midfield, sprint to goal line.
  • 100 yard progressive sprint,
  • Mosey to the house
  • 10 hand release burpees



An almost negligently quick look at the things that were:

  • Lobster Roll’s Shoe Incentive Plan leaves something to be desired. Beatings will continue until morale improves.
  • Semi Gloss and Uncle Leo with a bedhead showdown.  6-8 with the afro.
  • Semi-kotters to Semi Gloss, posting after stuffing Little Gloss full of pureed pork rind baby food and making a dash for the door.
  • Header finally starting to read the fine print on his twitter bet, but gamely getting a head start on coming Sleeveless Winter.  F3/Poker pax want to know if you have any openings, say every night of the week?  #Baby—> #Candy
  • Backwards Grandma is not pleasant.
  • The Royals lost the other night but there’s always next year and/or generation….
  • Based on twitter traffic last night, I’ve come to learn that the Panthers stink and Cam is loser, but he has some cool cleats.
  • Horsehead claims to have posted 10 days in a row.
  • There were no group hugs.

You pagan diabetics have fun tonight. We are going bowling.

About the author

Tiger-Rag author

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10 years ago

I always pictured you as a street preacher on Halloween night TR.

10 years ago

Did you dress up like the Frenchman John Calvin when you went bowling?

Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

Do you mean “put on a hat”? Not a big stretch.

Reply to  Horsehead
10 years ago


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