Eleven pax gathered to commemorate the day Luther stuck it to the man.
- 10 hand release burpees
- Mosey to field, around track, and up the home bleachers.
- SSH x 20, touch the fence and back
- I Walkers x 20, touch the tables and back
- Low Slow Squats, run to far playground and back
- 10 hand release burpees, touch the fence, skip a step on the way back up
- Low Slow Ferkins x 10
- Mosey around track to the Gma’s bottom
- First Evolution–Pax 1: Run 400 around track and up Gma / Pax 2: Hanging knees to elbows. Flapjack for 2 rounds each.
- Second Evolution–Pax 1: Run to opposite 30 yard line, up bleachers and back. / Pax 2: Derkins with feet on fence. Flapjack for 2 rounds each.
- 10 hand release burpees
- Third Evolution–Pax 1: Run to the bottom of Gma, backwards run back up. / Pax 2: Squats or lunges. Flapjack for 2 rounds each.
- Field work: Stop motion lunge walk, approx 15 yards, sprint to far goal line.
- Reverse lunge walk, approx 10 yards, backwards run to midfield, sprint to goal line.
- 100 yard progressive sprint,
- Mosey to the house
- 10 hand release burpees
An almost negligently quick look at the things that were:
- Lobster Roll’s Shoe Incentive Plan leaves something to be desired. Beatings will continue until morale improves.
- Semi Gloss and Uncle Leo with a bedhead showdown. 6-8 with the afro.
- Semi-kotters to Semi Gloss, posting after stuffing Little Gloss full of pureed pork rind baby food and making a dash for the door.
- Header finally starting to read the fine print on his twitter bet, but gamely getting a head start on coming Sleeveless Winter. F3/Poker pax want to know if you have any openings, say every night of the week? #Baby—> #Candy
- Backwards Grandma is not pleasant.
- The Royals lost the other night but there’s always next year and/or generation….
- Based on twitter traffic last night, I’ve come to learn that the Panthers stink and Cam is loser, but he has some cool cleats.
- Horsehead claims to have posted 10 days in a row.
- There were no group hugs.
You pagan diabetics have fun tonight. We are going bowling.
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