Almost Merkinless Monday

  • When:10/27/14
  • QIC: Uncle Leo
  • The PAX: Fraggle, Joker, Show Tunes, Coal Miner’s Daughter (Respect), Young Love, Back Office, Horse Head, Floor Slapper, Wabbit, Lobsta Roll, Uncle Leo (Q)

Almost Merkinless Monday

After Joker made a grand entrance with the SF flying proudly from his car window, the SF was planted and 11 men toed the line at the Matrix and offered up 6 pairs of shoes for #SoleRedemption.

The Thang:

Warmp up jog around the large field with various exercises mixed in – butt kicks, SSH, shuffle left, shuffle right, IW, Peter Parker, lunge walk – a mini COP on the move.

Line up on the sidewalk at the end of the large field for 10x (10 burpees + 40 yard run) on 1 minute interval

Move into the large field for 12 minutes of Mary (a double helping).  A smorgasbord of ab exercises with a 30 second plank between each exercise with a 1 minute plank at the end for good measure

Jog to small track at other side of the school

Selected PAX pick 2 exercises which are done at opposite corners of the track.  Done 4-5 times until we were out of time

Jog back to cars with AYG at the end across the main school lot

Naked Moleskin:

  • It was a relaxed Monday morning with lots of chatter during the warm up jog.  Chatter ended pretty quickly during the burpees
  • Joker was pretty excited to start off Mary with LBCs after all the burpees. He didn’t realize we were going to be doing Mary for so long…
  • Coal Miner’s Daughter got to pick the first exercises at the track because he had brought shoes for #SoleRedemption. Being the wily veteran that he is, he snuck a hidden 10 count in while he considered the virtues of various exercises.
  • Until Floor Slapper (YHC thinks) called Diamond Merkins at the track, we had gone the whole workout without a merkin.  August seems like so long ago.
  • As usual, Losbsta Roll left everyone in the dust on the last AYG. How can you beat everyone by 20 yards in a 80 yard sprint?

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Uncle Leo author

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