The Ascent… of Half Tide

  • When:10/25/14
  • QIC: High Tide & Goon
  • The PAX: Linux, Goon, Cocktail Party, Yellow Cake (FNG), Scissorhands, Slim Fast, High Tide

The Ascent… of Half Tide

7 PAX exited the warmth of their beds to push themselves at Ascent.  High Tide was on Q for half the beatdown, and then when he was tired of his own punishment, he handed over the reigns to Goon for the last half.  High Tide then exited for a mani/pedi… or something similar (see Moleskin for real reason… just couldn’t help but give a little jab)!

The Thang
Mosey to field for COP… I am going by memory, so forgive:
SSH x 20
IW x 20
Squats x 20
Arm Circles — small/big x some number
Romanian Deadlift (or better named the Tolstoi)
Soldier walk across the field (Tchiachovsky)
Then we spent the remaining time discussing Marxism vs. Capitalism…. just kidding… on to the playground:

High Tide explained the next 20-minutes would be focused on “Cindy”… Do as many of the following circuits as you can in 20-minutes OYO.
Pull-Ups/Suppine Row x 5
Merkins x 10
Squats x 15

This is something we try to do quarterly as just a way to self-assess how you are progressing.

After Cindy, High Tide indicated he had had enough and passed the reigns to Goon.

We went back to the field for some quick Mary:
LBC x 15
Russian twist x 10
Dolly x 15
Flutter x 15

Mosey to concession stand – Circuit x3 oyo:
Step ups x 10
CDD x 15
Freddie Mercury x 20

Mosey to football field
20-yard sled with partner, return with anchor, flap jack
10-yard suicides for entire field (gasser!)

Return to school for a couple of minutes of wall, then done.

Great to see everyone out there on such a great morning!  Hard to call that the “Gloom”!  Especially great to have Yellow Cake (FNG, Doug Moore), join us via Scissorhands.  Yellow Cake has been busy running F4, and decided to take an “F” off for the weekend and just do F3.  (That conversation can, AND DID, get a lot worse!!)

But seriously, great to have you!  Also great to have Cocktail Party join us after a lengthy hiatus.

Big thanks to Goon for stepping in to Q halfway through.  High Tide needed to be at his daughter’s soccer game mainly because her coach’s family had a parent pass away.  So in all seriousness, High Tide was helping out, and we should keep that family in our prayers.

Linux closed us with a prayer.


  1.  Shoe Drive continues… bring your used athletic shoes to any workout you attend.
  2.  F3 Area 51 Christmas Party Dec 6.

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Slim Fast author

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High Tide
9 years ago

Thanks, Slim Fast, for posting the backblast, for the 2nd F during the pre-KB workout, and for providing continuity to the workout when I had to leave early.

Thanks and t-claps to Goon for taking the impromptu 2nd half Q and for making some good audibles, as needed, from the preplanned weinke. Let’s get you worked into the Q rotation at Ascent!

Welcome, Yellow Cake! We’re glad you took a chance on what Scissorhands was selling and joined us at F3. What you do with your left over F’s is up to you…

Bring your washed, gently used men’s athletic shoes to Ascent (or any F3 workout) to donate to Charlotte Rescue Mission. Moon River is our Shoe Q at Ascent. #resumebuilder

The fun continues this Saturday with…Slim Fast on Q!

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