Sketchy and Tiny Sketchers

  • When:10-25-2014
  • QIC: Radar and Prohibition
  • The PAX: Jamboree, Fletch, Garbanzo, Teddy, Prohibition, Radar

Sketchy and Tiny Sketchers

6. Yes 6. Very powerful men showed up today and did work. Well 7 showed up but only 6 Powerful men did work. More on that later


The Thang


Prohibition Q

Double Time Mosey around the track

Grab a rock and head to the front parking lot

SSH, Imperial Walker, Rock Hoppers, Mountain Climber

Circuit Work

18 Curls with Rocks

18 Over Head Press

18 Over Head Tricep Extensions

Run to one end of the parking lot and do 18 push ups

Run to the Benches and do 18 dips

Run to the other end of the parking lot and do 18 sit ups

Run back to the rocks

Repeato several times

Radar Q

Pick up rocks and run to the bottom of the entrance

20 deep squats

20 Side lunges

60 calf raises (toes in, straight, out)

Run up the hill to the end of the parking lot and back

Repeat using the rocks

40 total single leg skater squats

40 total straight lunges

20 sister mary catherines



10 deep squats with high jump

Partner sled up the hill- Partner 1 pushes against P2 like a football sled

10 deep squats high jump

Flap jack partner sled

10 deep squats with high jump

Partner Pull up the hill- P1 Pulls P2 up the hill backwards

10 deep squats with high jump

Flap Jack partner pull

Pick up rocks and run them back

Circle up

20ish deep squats to a calve raise


80 Cadence Flutters

20 LBC


Strong group of men out there today. Prohibition got straight to it and we didn’t stop. Lots of moaning during the leg routine and the partner pulls were much worse than the pushes.

Purple Haze decides to show up in his Spear Head outfit only to give Prohibition money and leave. Seemed Sketchy. He even had a tiny little ledger for his tiny little hands. He did however donate a pair of sketchers for the shoe collection before he left. They were the very tall soul kind. You know the ones you see the lady in the office wearing on her break time walk. I looked at the tongue and it said Y9 for the size.

Welcome to Garbanzo on his first DZ post. Dude lives in the neighborhood and has never been out. I expect him to be a regular. Especially since him and Prohibition became besties after the workout because they knew a bunch of the same people. They giggled a lot as they talked

Speaking of Prohibition, So this young lady comes flying into the parking lot at 8:05, jumps out of the car and says to the group “if you don’t get this kid I am going to lose it” or something like that. We were all a little confused. Well except for Prohibition who I think I heard mumble “yes mam” as he walked over to get his beautiful baby girl out of the car.

Thank you for coming out to Day Zero and thank you for allowing us to lead.



Holiday Party Dec 6th



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Radar author

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The Hoff
The Hoff
9 years ago

Radar- Partner Sleds and Pulls looks cool. Might “borrow” that one. Nice work!

9 years ago

What you didn’t see was me hand the money that PH gave me before the workout to the lady with the baby after the workout. Essentially PH bought me a kid. Just kidding, moderators. Solid Q Radar. I hope you’re happy I finally commented on your BB. Enjoy the WT81.

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