11 men joined forces in the gloom in order to kick this week in the teeth. After gathering around the shovel flag (more on that later), the beatdown went something like this:
Mosey across school yard, around track and circle up under the hoops for a standard COP
- SSHx30, IWx20, Merkinx20, MountainClimberx20, Squatx20
Fast mosey back across school to jungle gym for an old school playground circuit:
- 10 pullups, 20 flutter (R/L = 1), 20 merkins/decline merkins/incline merkins. Repeato x3
Fast mosey over the parking lot, through the hedge and across the soccer field.
- :30 seconds scouting through the overgrown bushes looking for the cinder blocks
- Grab a block and carry to the sidewalk, partner up during the mosey.
Sprint/Block Combo: Partner 1 performs exercise, Partner 2 runs to second light pole and back (approx. 200 yds total). Flapjack and repeato (each PAX runs 2x per exercise set).
- Exercise 1: Weighted Squats
- Exercise 2: Overhead Press
- Exercise 3: Dolly with Press
- Exercise 4: Barishnikov (no blocks)
- Exercise 5: Curls
- Exercise 6: Burpees (no blocks)
Return blocks to the their home, plank up in line facing across field, towards cars.
- Regular plank, bring left foot up to left hand.
- Ready, set, go! Jailbreak home.
- At 0525, Joker pulled his Civic into the parking lot with what can only be described as an odd protrusion sticking out the back window of his car. Came to find out that he had chosen today to bring the shovel flag out of long-term storage aka witness protection and deliver it to the site for proper posting. Problem is, Joker couldn’t figure out how to, in his 0-dark-30-state-of-mind, take the flag off the shovel, so he had to stick the whole thing in his econo-car as best as possible – thus the “protrusion.”
- Joker’s grand plan for a ceremonial passing of the flag to the new site q’s (who, incidentally, have been successfully running the site for about a year) was thwarted, however, as the site q’s were otherwise occupied (at 0530 on a Monday morning). The shovel flag was planted, nonetheless, and we gazed upon it with rapturous awe.
- Seeing as how the site q’s were nowhere to be found, Joker had to escort the shovel flag back to the undisclosed location, from which it will be returned at a yet-to-be-determined time. Joker, learning from his earlier lesson, rolled out of the parking lot with Old Glory at full attention. I was there, and it was a sight to be seen. Fortunately I took a picture. #Merica

- Speaking of site q’s, thanks Alf and Uncle Leo for the opportunity to lead this morning.
- Also, if anyone is thinking of using the cinder blocks in an upcoming workout, you might want to arrive a couple minutes ahead of time so you search through the brush and find the mother lode ahead of rather than during the workout. Also, bring clippers, or a machete – the blocks are guarded by a vicious thorn bush.
- #soleredemption: Shoe drive (to benefit the men of Charlotte Rescue Mission) is ongoing. Bring extra/worn/used men’s athletic shoes (aka tennis shoes or sneakers) to a workout near you. Preferably bring them to Anvil. Or Matrix.
- Christmas party December 6 at Sugar Creek Brewery – see Prohibition for ways to help him organize it.
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