No SF was planted, perhaps someone planted the VSF….and after a minute or two of waiting for Honey Bee to arrive (he never did), 13 pax launched into another edition of Devil’s Turn.
The Thang & Ye Olde Moleskine:
The fellowship pace was good…and then the 10k pace kicked in after a one-mile warmup; and TL, Haggis, TR and Fletch took off in a hurry heading for SCMS for some track work.
At the track, most of us were lapped by TL and Haggis. Fletch joined in after a few laps, and before dusting YHC, he expressed his thankfulness that the good folks of SCMS leave the bathroom unlocked.
Not too much to report from the track other than Haggis mistook me for TL as he was passing me. Not sure which one of us should take more offense at that?
Also, Champagne wants all pax to beware of the bricks on the outer lane of the track. He about broke his foot this morning. Actually there are no lanes on the track. Apparently SCMS/CMS didn’t budget for paint on the track.
Hadn’t run that distance – most pax ran between 5.5 and 7.5 miles – since the BRR. It’s not like riding a bicycle. Yikes.
One further note to address the title of this backblast: I’ve posted at DT 10-12 times roughly. I’ve yet to actually see Wolfman post. He gives stronger meaning to the LIFO title with each passing post. He’s listed among the pax based on MallCop & The Mouth attesting to his presence. #comeonman
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