Q-Jack Denied, Then Granted

  • When:10/15/14
  • QIC: Stagecoach
  • The PAX: Header, Crawlspace, Morning Star, Gummy, Cheese Curd, Sussudio, Voodoo, Fireman Ed, Stagecoach

Q-Jack Denied, Then Granted

The VSF was planted as 9 pax denied the very tempting fartsack and kicked #cantore in the teeth. Jog around the parking lot to warm-up and pick up Voodoo who was coming in hot on two wheels.

Mosey over to the farthest part of the parking lot. For the record, it’s not any drier there.


  • Burpees x 10
  • SSH x 25
  • Burpees x 8
  • IW x 25
  • Burpees x 6
  • Mountain Climbers x 25
  • Burpees x 4
  • Slow Squat x 15
  • Merkins x 10
  • Burpees x 2

Mosey over to the concession area, after a quick stop at the rock pile for two medium sized rocks per pax.

Rock-o-Rama (IC):

  • Bicep Curls x 25
  • Tricep Extension x 25
  • Shoulder Presses x 25
  • Rinse and Repeat, with slightly fewer reps on round 2
  • 8 count body builders x 10 in between sets

Head down to the newly paved track.

1 lap around the track.

Chest-o-Rama (IC):

  • Merkins x 15
  • Slerkins x 15
  • Wide arm merkins x 15

Sled & Anchor

  • Partner up with pax of similar size
  • Push your partner roughly 50 yards, flapjack
  • Pull your partner roughly 50 yards, flapjack

Continued Chest-o-Rama (IC):

  • Staggered-arm Merkins x 10 R
  • Staggered-arm Merkins x 10 L

Jog back to the concession area for a couple rounds of people’s chair. Mix in some arms forward and arms above head.

Over to the parking lot for 5 MOM:

  • Heels to Heaven x 20
  • 1 legged flutter x 15 R/L
  • Freddie Mercury x 15
  • Sid the Kid x 10 each direction (courtesy of Fireman Ed)



  • Light crowd this morning, but a good mix of veterans and new guys. Crawlspace and Morning Star were FNG’s earlier this week and posted again today in the rain. Voodoo was also an FNG to DV. Nice work fellas.
  • Sussudio was crushing it out there as usual.
  • Header tried to anticipate the last burpee call in COP and got a head start. Naturally, I called merkins instead.
  • Every time Gummy said “It stopped raining”, it started to rain again. Thanks a lot.
  • Fireman Ed attempted a Q-jack but YHC reined it back in when he saw FE was headed to the muddy grass for Jack Webb. YHC did finally give FE the Q for the final Mary exercise.
  • Cheese Curd was guiltted
  • Sound off in the comments if you have any other amusing things to share.


  • See weekly email for ongoing 3rd F workouts
  • HDHH tonight at The Lodge 6:00-7:30.
  • F3 Shoe Drive to support Charlotte Rescue Mission. Area 51 is joining a broader F3 effort to collect used athletic shoes to be donated to the CRM. F3’s overall goal is to donate 1,000 pairs of shoes. Be on the lookout for more details from various “Shoe Q’s”, twitter, email, etc.

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Stage Coach author

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