Shock(er) and Awe(some)

  • When:10/11/2014
  • QIC: Radar and Spackler
  • The PAX: Joker, Purple Haze, The Mouth, Prohibition, Alf, Semi Gloss, Geraldo, Piano Man (FNG - Joe Padilla), Good Hands, Teddy, Boomer Sooner, Smash

Shock(er) and Awe(some)

It was Phoenix like really.  Day Zero rose from the ashes once again.  14 (incl 1 FNG) suffered through one of the toughest workouts ever to be delivered in the entire whole wide world.  Ever.

Spackler Q

Light jog around ‘track’


20 SSH

20 CDD’s

20 IW

Grab a rock for a pyramid

Complete exercise, run 50 yards, do 10 merkins and run back

Exercises included 10 curls, 20 deep squats, 30 presses, 40 bent over rows, 50 calf raises

‘Cool’ Down Indian run around track

*20 burpees OYO

50 LBC, 40 PP, 30 Tricep Extensions, 20 Diamond merkins, 10 basketball court sprints

Radar Q

Mosey to Yellow Rose and partner up/split in 2 groups

Indian Run challenge around the shopping center with 10 burpees for each group at their 1st corner.  All must finish together so you are only as fast as your slowest man.

The Q’s team won.  Nuff said.

Keep same teams and line up for sprint work.  While teammate sprints down the parking lot and back the rest of the team does some exercise.  We did that for awhile.

Mosey back to lot.


No clue what it was but looked like a dying cock roach and flutters.


Welcome to FNG Piano Man.  Good work out there.  Today was a tough one.

Day Zero finally getting back to some good numbers.  Glad to see the site Q’s finally getting control of the situation.  #embarrassing

One would have thought the FNG made fun of Geraldo’s Mom’s meatballs or something.  G man went borderline Guido on him during name-o-rama.  “I said WHERE in Long Island?!”

Things got weird during the Indian Run around the shopping center when Team Awesome had to carry their FNG.  Literally.

#Cotters to Purple Haze.  Or was it?  He looked just fine to me.

Joker has awful gas

We were treated to a fly by of a #ginger (Fireman Ed) chasing a shirtless man (Stone Cold) at the Yellow Rose.

Burpees weren’t planned today but The Mouth tried to lead a rebellion against the Q during the cool down Indian Run.  We all got to watch him do 20 burpees as punishment.  And he was still talking.






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Spackler author

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