With Cheese Curd on the IR with the Cheese Crud, and Stage Coach on the DR in the Gateway City, #BattleCat springed/sprang/sprung to action as substi-Q. Twenty-one pax took a draw from the Full Bold Flavor of Death Valley gloom.
Partner up by speed and/or headlamp and head out in search of the Blood Moon Gopher:
- Down the gopher-holed gravel road to the rails
- 10 rail jumps (or squats for modifiers)
- 15 dips at bleachers
- Run to concession area
- 10 burpees per pex
- Run to track
- Lunge walk length of bleachers
- Run to far turn
- 15 merkins
- Run to near turn
- 15 heels to heaven (observe eclipse, don’t get trampled by joggers)
- Run to concession area
- 10 squat jumps
One loop complete. Stay with partner, Repeato until time called. Most pax finished 2.5 to 3 loops.
10 MOM – A strong core is essential for men of vigor– 6 minutes just won’t do.
- Pre-game waiting for 6: Peter Parkers x 15, Parker Peters x 15, Plank
- Flutter x 10
- One-legged flutter x 10
- Other-legged flutter x 10
- Stop motion flutter x 10
- Dolly x 10
- One-legged dolly x 10
- Other-legged dolly x 10
- Stop motion dolly x 10
- LBC x 20
- Plank for 90 sec.
- Since we won’t see him again until the warmer months, a nod to 49er who first brought the Gopher to DV. I tweaked it a little by adding the partner requirement, which may or may not have worked depending on your partner’s speed and/or gastrointestinal urgency. The shower of FEBApplause in the COT was deafening.
- Kotters to Bugle Boy, who after his initial two posts took as many weeks to convalesce. Good to have you back, our dungareed friend. We promise not to pair you with Spackler again.
- Not sure where Purple Haze went. He was with us, then he wasn’t.
- All the running is coming home to roost in the Turkey Barn. It seems Turkey Leg is moving this Friday and is soliciting help from the Meathead community to move everything heavier than a lampshade or duvet cover. If that strikes your fancy, he’d like to have a word with you.
- The Union Co (U-Co? U-Cow? UnCo? UC?) boys have a new Friday workout–F3/Overdrive–starting this week, 10/10, at Sun Valley MS. Stone Cold leads a clown car convoy to support the launch. Hairband and Glass Joe Site Qs. 0530-0615.
- The SoB crowd also launches a new Friday workout this week: The Brave (something about Scotland). Madame T and Champagne are your Site Qs. Launch from The Vine at 0515, done at 0615.
- Not to be outdone, Turkey Leg is launching a new one-time only workout Friday: F3/Move. From 1-6 pm. DM TL for details.
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