8 runners, 6 of them wearing their A51 High Vis, showed up at #F3FastTwitch. At 0515, we got right to work.
The Thang
Run with zeal down Strawberry to the Rosecliff entrance. Circle up for some quiet cadence SSHs x 20 & IWs x 20. Run with purpose down to the bottom of the hill on Coburn. Line up for some Mtn Climbers x 20 IC. Run for fun to the stop sign at the beginning of Bevington. Q instructions for a sort of beast on Bevington: 5 speed bumps along the 3/4 mile long road…stop at each one plus at the end for 6 reps of called exercise.
Start the run back to base. Stop at bottom of hill on Coburn. AYG to the stop sign at the top. Mosey back to the Rosecliff entrance. Line up for Indian Run back to SCMS. Done…a total of 6.14 miles.
With the BRR and MudRun behind us, the #runners showed up at #F3FastTwitch today. And with our pencil arms and concave chests, there was nothing holding us back…so we went fast wherever we went.
Leaving from SCMS, it’s hard to avoid hills and we had to navigate a few along the way…but we got over to Bevington and spent some quality time on the 3/4 mile stretch from Coburn to Rea. It was nice to run on something relatively flat (that was not a track). Still, it seemed hard and either the distance between speed bumps got longer with each round or we just got slower.
After our first round of coming back up Bevington, we did some LBCs in the street as some giggling tomatoes ran by. We passed them during our CDDs round…their headlamps spotlighting our #runner butts in the air. More giggling from the girls…and @SpacklerF3.
A solid effort by all this morning, getting after it for 6.14 miles. Great takeout by honorary chaplain @SpacklerF3. @TurkeyLegF3, thanks for the opportunity to lead.
A51 tutoring. Get up with Champagne or Frasier.
Be on the lookout for announcements for Tuesday track day – 10/25 @ 0515. Location TBD.
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