First of all, on behalf of the entire Area 51 pax, I would like to say THANK YOU to Honey Bee for all you have done as co-2nd F Q in charge of CSAUP Events for our region. Under your leadership we’ve had a series of great events under his reign including the BRR, Mud Runs, and of course the first annual Area 51 CSAUP Olympics!
Very recently HB took on expanded responsibilities at work and saw the need to relinquish his functional Q responsibilities to another willing pax. That willing pax is none other than YHC, and I am excited to be Area 51’s next CSAUP Event Q. This means I will be working for and with all of you to drive participation in future CSAUP events, namely those mentioned above. Who knows what new opportunities may present themselves to us.
The purpose of this communication is two-fold: first to communicate that I’m your incoming CSAUP Q (done), and second to ask for your engagement. One man cannot do this role alone. As we have done historically, we need YOU to step up and assume a leadership role in driving these events. Each event needs a leader to communicate and coordinate our participation. Will you be the guy to step up and lead the pax for the Joe Davis 5K/10K, the spring USMC Mud Run, the 2nd Annual CSAUP Olympics, and the 2015 Blue Ridge Relay? Don’t worry, you won’t be doing this alone. Other guys have done this and have experience to share, and there are many guys out there who are willing to jump in and help.
Please reach out to me if you are interested in leading one of these events. The most pressing needs are:
You can reach me at or send me a direct message on Twitter.
I’m looking forward to working for you in my new role!
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