When: 09/26/2014
QIC: Semi-Gloss
The pax: Baracus, Stone Cold (Pre-KB), Crab Cake (ruck), Voodoo (Ruck) (Pre-KB) Strange Brew, Mr. Brady, Lobster Roll, The Hoff (Ruck), Gullah, Stage Coach, Blue Rino, Les Miserables.
Mosey to the track.
1 lap. Butt kickers, Karaoke left and right.
Circle up
SSH X 25 Cad
Mountain Climbers X 25 Cad
Merkins – 15 OYO
Imperial Walker – 25 Cad
Next – Race your partner
Winner 10 merkins – Loser 10 Burpees
Rinse and repeat
Now for the main event……….Gopher time
One partner runs up Grandma Mountain 10 Derkins, 10 Pull ups, 15 LBC’sSecond partner runs a lap around the track. Meet up and do 30 Merkins total and then flap jack. Goal is to get as many in as possible.
Mary on the field – Lobster roll helped out
Mary in the parking lot – 20 Cad Freddy Mercury, Flutter (20), etc…..
Showed up early to work on the weinke but figured the gopher would work. Stone Cold and Voodoo were doing the Pre-KB so I thought I would join. 500 swings later and more people there we set off for what would be a fun filled morning of pain exercises.
At first the pax were very chatty and talkative through the first part………Then came the call for the Gopher. Stage coach and a few others were curious of how it was going to work with this AO but I figured the timing would be right for the run up the hill and track work together. The ruck boys were not happy with me at all mainly because of the hill. We were off. At first the track guys were leading more so than the guys up the mountain but believe it or not it ended up shaking out about the same. There were SEVERAL calls for quitting but I had none of it and kept calling for more. YHC was called out by the Hoff that I wasn’t wearing a ruck so I threw that one and did the last one. Regretted grabbing it because the mountain was terrible with it.
The run out to the parking lot was the final straw for most. We circled up and called out Mary, we started with some flutters and Baracus was upset with my lack of bench on exercises for Mary. I tried to salvage it but it was too late. I was at exhaustion, hence the delay in posting this.
Sound off if I am missing anything.
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