F3 and Trips for Kids – Round 2 (Round 3 to be on 10/11)

  • When:9/20/14
  • QIC: Farside
  • The PAX: Farside (Q), Chelms, Chippy (Chelms 2.0), 11 kids from bull dogs matters, and Trips for Kids volunteers.

F3 and Trips for Kids – Round 2 (Round 3 to be on 10/11)

F3 partnered with Trips for Kids and took 11 Bull Dogs Matters kids to Francis Beatty park for some mountain bike riding.

The Thang:  Farside and Linda Walden, Crossroads volunteer, piled 11 kids into 2 cars due to mix up with church van and head out to Francies Beatty.   T-claps to these 2 as the cars were packed for the ride.

Distribute gear (helmuts, gloves, bikes, and water bottle), provide some guidance for new kids, and head out.  Ride about 5 miles, with a few jumps and only one wreck, before lunch. Perfect day and kids had an awesome time.

NEXT RIDE IS OCTOBER 11 at 9am.   Please consider joining us.   Contact Farside or Chelms for directions to the starting point.

Photos from alligator alley

Alligator alley - four

Alligator alley - Promise

Farside with the kids (Chelms needs some photography lessons)

Frank with kids on bike - two

Follow up from program coordinator –

Hey All,

I am so glad to hear the ride went so well. The pictures are awesome! Brittni and Carmen came over on Saturday after the ride and they were telling me all about it. They said they had a great time although it was hard work! Thank you for taking them and offering these kids such a wonderful and special opportunity!



About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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