2 Mile Medicine Ball Indian Run

  • When:09/20/14
  • QIC: Cottonmouth & Mall Cop
  • The PAX: Deep Dish, FNG The Hoodie (Brian B.), Flipper, Flutie Flakes, Spandex, Cottonmouth, Culkin, Mall Cop.

2 Mile Medicine Ball Indian Run

Cottonmouth Q:

As the clock struck 0700 the pax followed Cottonmouth towards the soccer pitch.  Running backwards Cottonmouth fully disclaimed the pax and then we circled up for:


SSH x 21

Imperial Walker x 21

Peter Parker x 21

Low Slow Squat x 21

Breakup into groups of 3 and mosey over to the picnic tables under the concession roof.  Partner 1 does 15 jump ups, 15 derkins, & 15 dips. Partner 2 runs out to the field #4 soccer goal, then run to the hill next to parking lot to tag partner #3. Partner #3 works on the team count of 21’s with Carolina Dry Docks at the bottom and Turkish Getups at the top.  When Partner #2 comes in Partner #3 goes to tag and takeover for Partner #1.  Continue this cycle until all teams complete 21’s, however audible by the Q to stay within the weinke’s time.

Lineup and grab the 20 lb medicine ball for a 1 mile indian run to Davie Park. Pax in the back runs the medicine ball to the front of the line and then starts handing the ball backwards.  Once the medicine ball reaches the back that pax runs it back to the front.

Once at Davie Park handoff the Q.

Mall Cop Q:

Circle Up for Merkins in cadence, then mosey over to the playground.

Partner up for:

1) 15 pullups partner assisted if needed. Flapjack, then Repeato for 2 sets.

2) Partner 1 15 elevated Carolina Dry Docks with feet on bench, Partner 2 Squats until Partner 1 is done. Flapjack, then Repeato.

3) Partner 1 planks with feet in a swing for 20 knee-ins, Partner 2 does burpees until Partner 1 is done. Flapjack, then Repeto.

4) The Granny: Partner 1 planks holding Partner 2’s feet, Partner 2 does AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) old fashioned situps for 30 seconds, hold in a 45 degree angle for 15 seconds, raise arms overhead and look up while in 45 degree angle for 15 seconds, arms back in at 45 degree angle for 15 seconds, then AMRAP old fashioned situps for last 30 seconds.  Flapjack.

1 mile medicine ball indian run back to the Calvary campus stoping halfway for some flutters and planks.



Great work by the pax today.  We wanted to make the off campus excursion a little more interesting by introducing the medicine ball into the indian run.  We also planned on having a kettle bell carried by the pax but both Cottonmouth and YHC forgot to put it in the car.

Welcome to F3 for our FNG The Hoodie (Brian B.) EHed by Flipper.  Great work and we hope to see out in the gloom soon.

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Mall Cop author

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