#BRR Ready

  • When:09/02/14
  • QIC: Frasier
  • The PAX: Purple Haze, Hairball, Alf, Fletch, Header, Cheese Curd, Tiger Rag, Mr. Brady, Turkey Leg, Good Hands, Frasier, Prohibition, Blades of Glory, Geraldo

#BRR Ready

posted on behalf of Frasier


The deal:


The disclaimer was announced and everyone still decided to stay.  The idea was to build some friendly competition between the Pax and especially the Pax doing the #BRR this upcoming weekend.  There was no warm up just an announcement for the workout.  The Pax was to run from South Charlotte Middle School to the intersection of Four Mile Creek.  You were then supposed to do as many laps as you could going up and down Raintree Ln .3 mile each way from the speed bump at the bottom of Raintree to the top of Four Mile Creek.  The goal was to be back in the parking lot by 6:10. 




It was a great effort out of everyone and especially Prohibition who evidentially got to the launch site a little late.  He was able to track us down.  Good job brother!  Mr. Brady and Turkey Leg were pushing the pace and sticking together as teammates.  It was good to see Turkey Leg back out there!  Alf was not far behind and showed a lot of determination to take one more lap after the call to return home was made. 


Blades of Glory, Good Hands and Geraldo worked well together and kept the motor running the whole time.  Header and Fletch were both pushing one another and Header finished strong at the end.  T claps for Purple Haze and Hairball running two miles to the launch site prior to the start.  You are certainly #BRR ready. 


Cheese Curd and TR continue to show off their prowess on the hills.  They will be tough to keep up with this weekend.  Glad TR is on #FreeRange. 


I felt we got a good exposure to dodging cars running up and down the hill.  There was plenty of opportunity to play real life Frogger. 


I did not see some of the regulars out there today.  They must be tapering for their long runs this upcoming weekend (Spackler).  I am sure they will be ready to shine on Friday and Saturday!


Thanks for letting me lead this morning.  It is always a pleasure and good luck to everyone running this weekend.  Have fun and be safe. 


Announcements: Contact Champagne or myself if you are interested in the afterschool tutoring program at Matthews Elementary that is set to start next month.  

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Turkey Leg author

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