The VSF was planted on a beautiful Saturday morning at Olde Providence Elementary School. It was YHC’s first time at Ascent, first Q at one of our moderate workouts, and only the second post at this AO. No problem…we got this. So this is what we did….
Mosey over to practice field (or practice field marked off with cones)
Starting at end line
COP (can’t remember if I have the counts right)
Partner Starfish –
Partner up…both starting in the center of the football field. Partners perform a total of 30 merkins (roughly 15 each), run to opposite corners of the football field to perform given exercise (i.e. corners 1 & 3), return to center of field to perform a total of 30 merkins again, then move to next opposite corners (i.e. corners 2 & 4). Continue this until each partner has completed each of the 4 stations. Plank until all are finished.
Mosey to picnic tables…on second thought lets mosey to bleachers…no the other bleachers
Mosey back to practice field for…
Mosey to the playground for AMRAP pull-ups, then back to the practice field for Mary
COP – Mary
Mosey to the school
I’ll let the other 5 pax that posted judge for themselves, but I think we all got a pretty descent workout this morning. Lots of leg work, lots of merkins, and of course we got some pull-ups in too. Strange Brew clued me into the fact that AMRAP pull-ups are a tradition at Ascent. Who am I to upset the tradition…so we did it!
I had my cones set up on the practice field before we started, and as we jogged onto the field Dickies (I think) was very quick to point out the star formation. Yep…that’s exactly what we are going to do. So I gave some murky directions and the pax mostly got the idea of what we were to do. I did get a reminder somewhere in the midst of our starfish that this is supposed to be a moderate workout. A few too many merkins?
As we were jogging to the picnic tables/bleachers, we noticed the remote control airplane flying around the field in the back. Someone suggested we try to catch it….hmm…good luck with that. So we got to the picnic tables and I began to give instructions on doing step-ups…someone recommended that the bleachers would be more stable, so we moved to the bleachers. We did our leg lifts and some tricep dips, then to the derkins. Uh-oh…not enough room for Geraldo…let’s try the other set of bleachers. OK…that’s better. Well at least the changes allowed us to get a few extra breathers. There’s your moderate workout guys!
It was good to see a few pax out there that I don’t see often…Dickies, Lumberg, and of course a couple others that I have seen more of recently…Geraldo, Mouth. All of you did great out there this morning, including Phelps (Mouth’s 2.0). It was an honor to lead.
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