The Thang:
0529 (warm up) Semi-High Knees into Mountain Climbers X 3
0530 Quick Mosey south to Church Parking Lot(far corner)
==== COP: Prisoner Squats X 12; Diamond Merkin X 9; Low Flutter X 9; Wide Arm Merkin X 9
==== Cris-Cross X 9; Carolina Dry Dock X 9
0534 Three line- 35lb KBell Run: hold KBell over head; run 20 paces then pass KBell
==== Pax run .3 miles to low end of parking lot; drop the KBells
0538 Partner up; P1 Bear Crawl ; P2 7 Merkins, run and tag partner
==== flap jack: P2 Bear Crawl; P1 7 Merkins, run and tag partner
==== Continue exercise until reach high end of parking lot(.25 miles)
0542 Backwards run to opposite corner, flip to regular run down parking lot
==== Stop at set of benches: Derkins X 9; Dips X 7(left leg up); Dips X 7 (right leg up)
==== Derkins x 9; Dips X 7(left leg up); Dips X 7 (right leg up)
0548 Quick mosey to bottom parking lot; Grab KBells for three line Indian run…
==== Pax start three line Indian run w/ KBell over head; run 20 paces then pass KBell
==== Pax complete one lap around parking lot (.4 miles)
0555 Quick mosey run back to park; bear crawl over bridge to basketball court.
==== Partner Up: Partner carry down court, switch at end line, partner carry back
==== wheel barrow down court, switch at end line, wheel barrow back
==== Partner carry down court, switch at end line, partner carry back to end line
==== wheel barrow down court, switch at end line, wheel barrow back to end line
0601 COP: Merkin X 9; Low Flutter x 9; Diamond Merkin X 9; Toe Touch X 9; Wide Arm Merkin X 9
==== Bicycle X 9; Diamond Merkin X 9; LBC X 9
0606 Quick mosey to athletic field: Plank at bottom of small hill;
==== 5 sets w partner: P1 run to top off hill and back; P2 Sumo Jump Squats; switch
0611 Quick mosey across athletic field to church parking lot
==== Pax three line Indian run around church parking lot: two laps(.8 miles)
0615 COT
Excellent weather and a ‘problematic’ DMZ pax, a perfect storm-a-brewing for a Three-peat Beat-down. YHC’s third visit to DMZ Q position had to be ‘slamming and jamming’. Hype, energy, and exuberance that’s what you need for a “Three-peat Q”. YHC brought it all to DMZ and a ‘Metro-nasty’ beat-down for the pax to gnaw on.
You see, YHC has a little ‘Metro-nasty’ inside tha brain and sometimes it jets out all over the place. ‘Metro-nasty’ samples Jungle, Ranger and Shark Tank workouts with attitude from Mutha Ship Monday, Young Guns and Combine. That is ‘Metro-nasty’, a flavor of intense, over-the-top, insane workouts born in Metro territory. Luckily for YHC, F3-Metro born and raised…yea baby!
Inside the ropes:
SkyWalker: recently off IR and back in the mix. Glad to have you working hard to get back in F3 shape. Not much time for chatter while your sucking air but soon, I’m sure!
Flutie Flakes: Solid work from a hard working father who travels to Hot ‘Lanta every week. I think it’s great your hitting F3 workouts in two different states each week! Bang on Brother!
Eye Chart: Following you on Strava, I know your getting faster each week. Great work out there in the gloom.
Talk Box: Also coming off IR but working hard to get back to the lead pax! Foot problems are a Bi#ch but keep pounding bro!
SunDancer: Smooth operator, I know, but today on the edge of madness. KBells are your friend!
Chappy: Great assistant out there, help keeping the pax in order and leading with great effort…nice work!
Gummy: You are a little sticky but smooth with your technique! Strong work today.
Semi-Gloss: Shinny in the sun but we were in the DMZ gloom. Looked strong running with KBell over your head. Power play!
World Tour: Love the nick name, keep the tour going and post Metro workouts soon. Way to go hard today, nice!
Hamlet: Don’t let the name fool people, you can be nasty when you want to. Go for it dude!
Catfish: Way to come strong out there in the gloom. Didn’t see you sweat that much today, not enough running for ya?
Dick Clark: Classic radio junkie, aye! Perfect hair today, how did you pull that off? Working hard…great effort!
Rashard: Strong 45 minutes from you dude. Keep pushing F3 strong, yea!
Cyclone: You are a buzz saw out there, great work and ready for more. Keep pounding!
Out Back: Great to have you in the mix today working hard. Nice!
Water Seal: You are air tight out there in the gloom. Let it all out and bark a little! Keep working hard…good job today!
Church Bus: Glad to have you jamming and slamming hard. Way to push hard!
BOG: ? Not sure if I got your nickname(readable?) correct but I know you were in the mix all way till COT. Great work today.
Kit Kat: Nice work out there. Keep working hard and jam on dude!
Love Boat(lifo), Love Bug(lifo), Film Festival(lifo), One Eye(lifo), Red Rider(lifo): All you gents worked hard and completed the workout today. Left early due to work/family requirements…respect.
GodSpeed(FNG): Army Chaplin is a big responsibility and F3 is a great ‘toolBox’ for life so glad you came out to workout! Post again soon!
That’s what went down in DMZ territory. A ‘Metro-nasty’ Three-peat Beat-Down in effect. I know there is more to add so chime in with a comment. Leading a F3 pax through a workout is always a learning experience and a huge thrill at the same time. Honorably yours…
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