At 5:15am in the parking lot of the Vine in the heart of Ballantyne, 5 men stood awaiting the arrival of the Q of the morning. Since Bratwurst is known for showing up last minute and dressing on the go, the PAX patiently waited until 5:15:42 and even then ran 2 lengths of Conlan Cir. before giving up and winging it sans Q.
Luckily the rough plan was known which was 200m at R-pace followed by a 200m recovery. What was not known was where the h— we were going. So an impromtu vote was held between the B-tyne CC loop or the “road to nowhere” loop. The “road to nowhere” loop (Community House) was selected and the PAX started into the 1-mile warmup.
After some dynamic warm-ups in a parking lot by B-tyne Corporate, the PAX started the 200m repeats. Again some discussion ensued on how to properly track the repeats and it was discovered that Strange Brew owns a technological device rivaling Bratwurst’s arm computer. With that we were ready and off we went.
Due to the small number of PAX, the 2nd F was good. Haggis was pushing the pace to an unwise level as usual and Boomer Sooner was there to keep the pace honest when Haggis and YHC were flagging due to an ill advised all out race during one of the 200m repeats. Not sure if the race was iron sharpening iron or just hard headed stupidity. Probably the latter.
Speaking of Boomer Sooner. Great second post at #Swift. Glad to have you and keep on like that and you will destroy that 5k PR. The man’s got speed.
Outback and Strange Brew were looking strong as usual. Outback seems poised to conquer the upcoming mud run with team mate Mr. Bean (in absentia). Speaking of, they are looking for 2 more to round out the team. C’mon lets get a SOB team out there. Signup is still open, contact them with intent.
As already said, Strange Brew’s watch was a lifesaver. It even makes those beeping noises to say it is time to go fast again that I have grown to dread. #unpleasantindications SB had a strong day out there today and at times YHC was a little unnerved to see the scary fire scull shirt coming out of the gloom. Perhaps it was a good indication of the intensity level which was off the charts on those repeats!
Until the bitter end, we expected Bratwurst to come out of the bushes like some kind of magic show or come running past us like we were standing still. We even discussed that we wouldn’t even hear him coming since he likely doesn’t breathe (the myth, the legend). But alas, no Bratwurst. Apparently free alarm clock apps are not all they are cracked up to be. Who knew?
Well it was a pleasure to somewhat lead this morning. Really more of a group think activity I would say. Effective none-the-less. Thanks brothers!
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