Seeing Double Q’s

  • When:08/13/14
  • QIC: Stagecoach
  • The PAX: Bulldog, Donkey Kong, Spackler, Quinn, Fireman Ed, Floor Slapper, The Shore, Busch, Header, Niles, Sanka, Lazyboy, Semi-Gloss, Puddin Pop, Coal Miner’s Daughter, Alf, Stagecoach (from @F3Columbia), Chanel, Sussudio, Beaker, Strawberry, Geraldo, Strange Brew, Heartbreaker, 49er, Wolfman, The Original Stagecoach

Seeing Double Q’s

The shovel flag was planted and 27 pax started their mid-week workout. Jog around the parking lot to warm-up. Be sure to circle Floor Slapper’s car as he came in late. Mix in some high knees, butt kickers and backwards run for good measure.


  • 1 legged burpees (RL)
  • SSH x 25
  • IW x 26
  • Slerkins x 15
  • Slow Squats x 15
  • 1 legged burpees (LL)
  • Firkins x 10

Mosey over to the adjacent parking lot.

Triple Nickel:

  • 5 HR Merkins
  • Run to other side of parking lot
  • 5 Jump Squats
  • Run back to starting point
  • Repeat 5 times

Head down to the bleachers near baseball fields.

Group 1 performs supine pull-ups until group 2 completes upper body circuit. Flapjacks and continue through 4 rounds. Circuit exercises:

  • Round 1: Derkins/Dips/Incline Merkins x 20 each
  • Round 2: Derkins/Dips/Incline Merkins x 15 each
  • Round 3: Derkins/Dips/Incline Merkins x 10 each
  • Round 4: Derkins/Dips/Incline Merkins x 5 each

Jog down to the track. Partner up in groups of 3.

Partner 1 completes home exercise, partner 2 completes away exercise, partner 2 runs from home to away. Switch each time your partner gets to you.


  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Alternating lunges


  • Diamond Merkins
  • Bear squats

Jog back up to the parking lot for a few minutes of Mary.

  • Flutters x 25
  • Dying Cockroach x 15 (Led by @F3Columbia’s Stagecoach)
  • Protractor



  • Great crowd this morning. We had wily veterans, relatively new guys, thoroughbreds, meatheads.
  • Also, welcome @F3Columbia’s Stagecoach to Death Valley. It was great to have you join us today. For those that missed his post-workout tweet, he said “A51’s Death Valley is definitely tougher than the one in Clemson! (6peat?)” I am neutral in that rivalry, but BOOM, that ought to get the comments flowing!
  • Bulldog, Header and I met for some pre-KB work. Header led that and put a serious beat down on us for 25 minutes. Semi-Gloss showed up half way thru, so I told him he would not get full credit for pre-KB. I will hand it to SG though…he grabbed the 50 lb. KB.
  • Ok, that was a lot of supine pull-ups while waiting for the other group to complete their circuit. I guess that looked better on paper.
  • The bear squats were comical. If you’ve done them before, you know they hurt…and you can imagine all the colorful commentary. #Spacklerswheelhouse
  • For those participating in the #10Kmerkins challenge, I counted 197 toward my daily count. For the record, that does not count the 1 legged burpees. For those not doing the challenge, hope you enjoyed anyway.
  • Thanks Lazyboy for the send-off.
  • Sound off in the comments if you have any other amusing things to share.


  • Threshold will not meet today, but will resume next Wednesday
  • HDHH tonight at The Lodge 6:00-7:30.

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Stage Coach author

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10 years ago

Good Q, StageCoach. Thanks for props in Backblast but as I shared in COT, I’m “the OTHER” StageCoach. You’re the original! #Respect

Enjoyed my visit! It’s always great to be able to #GetBetter #BeBetter with pax even when you’re away from home

PS. Go Cocks!

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