
  • When:08/11/14
  • QIC: Freyleys Comet
  • The PAX: Mic Check, Worm, Lugie, Honey Bee, Bratwurst, Soft Pretzel, Iggy Shuffle, Dead Lift


Rain didn’t scare away this dedicated group and in fact the rain stopped just before the workout began. Very little running as the focus was a full body workout with the kettel bells. Mission accomplished!!

Warmup:  SSH X 25, Squats X 20, Imperial Walker X 20, Merkins X 30, Mountain Climber X 20

Workout: Mosey to rear of parking lot by the school building. Series of Merkins, Swings, and Legs all with the Kettel Bells. Merkins included: “Tight Grip Merkins” X 10 (lay the KB down handle forward, in plank position grab and hold the sides of the KB and execute the merkin – great for inner chest and tri’s). Plank Row Merkins X 10 (10 plank rows each arm with a Merkin in between). Uneven Merkins X 10 each arm (right arm on KB while executing the Merkin; Switch and do left arm). Two-hand swings X 25. Legs included: Goblet Squats X 15, Reverse Lunge X 10 each leg, Squat curls X 15, Romainian Dead Lifts X 15. Kool down jog 100 yards and back.  Repeat above for another round of each merkin and each leg exercise.

Mosey to benches in between school building. KB Dips X 20 (KB in lap for Dips). 4 Sets.  1 set Incline Merkins X 15. Mary on the Benches (all counts in cadence): LBC w/KB on Chest X 20; Dolly w/KB presss X 20; Flutter w/ KB press X 20, Bicycle X 20 (no KB), Heels to Heaven X 20 (no KB).

Mosey to school building in front of jungle gym for series of People’s Chair with Kettel Bell (approx 1 minute each set). Hold People’s Chair for 1 minute with KB between legs, upright rows X 15, 2-arm curls X 15, overhead press X 15.  Finished with Clean/Curl/Press – 10 each arm.

About the author

Frehleys Comet author

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