Bagpipe On the Fly

  • When:08/12/14
  • QIC: Frehleys Comet
  • The PAX: Haggis, Strange Brew, Vineyard, Chipotle, Honey Bee, Bratwurst, Boomer Sooner, JR Ewing, Champagne, Abacus, Beaker, Heartbreaker, Fried Okra, Loogie, Frasier, Parfait, Puppy Love, Turnpike, Udder, Soft Pretzel, Mermaid, Cain, Peaches, Outback, Kiper, David Parsons FNG (Twisted Sister or perhaps Sister Twister…) Garbage plate, Rock Thrill, Madame Tussaud, Marble, A1A

Bagpipe On the Fly

Forgetting that it’s your turn to Q is bad but showing up in time and coming up with a solid workout “on the fly” makes up for it!! 31 strong showed up for Swift and Bagpipe. Kudos goes to the PAX for coming out in numbers.

Warmup: SSH x 25, Squats X 20, Merkins X 40, Mountain Climber X 20, LBC X 20. Mosey about 1/2 mile to the lake with the grass hill.

Workout: 7’s on the Hill: Burpees at the top and Jump Squats at the bottom followed by 7 sets of Jack webbs (count up to 7 merkins and up to 28 overhead arm presses). Lap around the lake including running up the stairs to the parking lot and back to the bottom of the hill. Repeated twice. Planks and 6 inches merkins in between each lap. At top of the steps, mosey to parking lot for 6 sets of Mary and 4 sets of Merkins (10 reps each). Mary included Dolly, Flutter, Heels to Heaven, Protractor, Mason Twist, Bicycle. Finished with 5 man-maker Burpees.  Mosey 1/2 mile back to the Vine parking lot.

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Frehleys Comet author

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JR Ewing
JR Ewing
10 years ago

Thanks for leading FC. Impromptu or not, I was smoked before we got to the Marys.

Great pond there off Harney Drive. Kind of surprised it doesn’t have an F3 name.

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