No Day at the Beach

  • When:08/06/2014
  • QIC: Mic Check
  • The PAX: Fish Taco, Haggis, Madame, Voodoo, Frasier, Market Timer, Loogie, Chipotle, FNG Ofer, Parfait, Yogurt, Odd Jobs, Outback, Puppy Love, Wing-Late-Man, Rip Curl, Furley, Old Man Frehley's, Screech, Mic Check

No Day at the Beach

  • Last week was vacation at the beach, this week The Maul and it’s pavement.  5 started off at 5am with KB.  Old Man Frehley’s, Loogie, Madame, Voodoo and YHC.  The other 16 arrived at the usual time and were greeted with a mauling.

Mosey to fountain for the warm up.

  • SSH
  • 10 burps
  • IWS
  • Screech and Wing Late Man arrive
  • 11 burps
  • MTNS
  • 12 burps
  • Seal Jacks
  • Parker Peter
  • 13 burps
  • 30 dips X 3

Mosey back to the theater Count off by 4.  For 4 pain stations.

Wall walkers

Crab crawls

Bear crawl

Jog a lap, then up the hill 7 burps


Line up for AYG sprints, 10 merkins, then brisk jog back.  X 3

circle for 6 Minutes of Mary, pax choice

LBCS – Dolly – Protractor – Heels to Heaven – 1 min elbow plank


Old Man Frehley was razing Loogie during KB, then poked the bear at the start of the regular workout.  Once the Burpees began his voice went away.

Welcome FNG Ofer.  A fan of the Bufallo Bills, who are well known for losing 4 straight Superbowls.

Thanks fellas, it’s always an honor to lead the group.




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Mic Check author

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