Merkins, merkins, and more merkins

  • When:08/02/14
  • QIC: Abacus
  • The PAX: Beaver (WD), Joker, Croissant, Cold Cuts, Donkey Kong (WB), Picasso, Ocho Cinco, Floor Slapper, Lobster Roll, Tool Man, Slapshot, Biscuit, Young Love, Turkey Leg

Merkins, merkins, and more merkins

The SF was planted (rather easily, with the amount of rain we have had) and 15 men gathered around ready to start another weekly episode of Area 51 at McKee Road Elementary.  YHC declared that it was time to start and we headed over to the lower parking lot by the soccer fields.  One loop around the parking lot and then we circled up for COP.  Quick disclaimer (we had the Area 51 attorney, Young Love, in attendance.  Had to cross the t’s and dot the i’s.):

  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • IW x 25 (IC)
  • Squats x 20 (IC)
  • Fwd Lunges x 20 (IC)

Line up at the end of the parking lot for a mix of exercises and running/karaoke/etc:

  • 50 Merkins OYO
  • Karaoke to the other end of the parking lot & jog back
  • 50 Prisoner Squats OYO
  • Karaoke to the other end of parking lot & jog back
  • 50 Wide-arm Merkins OYO
  • Backwards run to other end & jog back
  • 100 LBCs OYO
  • AYG sprint to other end & jog back

Mosey over to the play area/stumps behind the school for some partner work circuits:

  • P1 – 15 Jump-ups on the stumps
  • P2 – 15 Tire hops
  • Flapjack
  • 15 Partner Derkins – P1 in plank position, P2 15 Derkins w/ feet on P1 & then flapjack
  • Rinse & Repeat x 2 (20 reps 2nd round, 15 reps 3rd round)

Slow jog to front of school for People’s Chair:

  • PC x 60 secs (w/ arms out front, arms over head w/ 15 air presses)
  • Burpee broad jump to sidewalk
  • PC x 60 secs (w/ LL up, RL up)
  • Burpee broad jump to sidewalk

Head over to the infield of the track for 6 MOM:

  • Dolly x 20 (IC), hold’em
  • Flutter x 20 (IC), hold’em
  • Protractor (10 degrees, 45, 90, 45, 6 in, 45, 90, 30, 20, 10)
  • Back scratcher x 20 (IC)
  • CCV x 15R (IC)
  • CCV x 15L (IC)

Enough time to catch your breath, head back to front of school for some circuit work:

  • BTW Wall Walk
  • Lunge walk across parking lot
  • 25 Incline Merkins on curb
  • Rinse & repeat

Mosey to playground behind the school for another round of circuit work:

  • Pull-ups x 10
  • Step-up w/ high knee x 20 (10 each leg)
  • Dips x 20
  • Rinse & repeat x 2
  • 25 Merkins OYO

Line up in 2 lines for Indian Run back to launch point

Couple minutes left so 2 MOM

  • Rosalita x 20 (IC)
  • LBC x 25 (IC)
  • 25 Merkins OYO (to get us to 250 for the morning)



  • Tweet went out last night about #10KMerkin Challenge for August.  YHC decided it would be good idea to give PAX who had signed up a head start on their daily allotment.  Completed 250 merkins, not counting the Burpee Broad Jumps.  You’re welcome.
  • BTW wall walk is always a crowd favorite.  Apparently also causes release of built up air pressure.  Unknown PAX member crop dusted rest of us as we were lined up along the wall.  Usual suspect Joker had alibi of being across parking lot completing lunge walk at the time.  Guilty PAX member is welcome to claim credit in comments below.
  • YHC was talking to Beaver prior to start of work-out and he inquired as to what was in store for PAX.  Mentioned he felt good with the runs and several of the other exercises but that merkins were not a strength.  Should be a little stronger in that area now.
  • Young Love may not have been a fan of Burpee Broad Jumps after PC.  Inquired as to whether that was planned by YHC.  Have to admit I audibled to that after originally thinking about another exercise.
  • Nice mix of site veterans and new PAX members.  Strong work by all.
  • YHC took us out with special request for YHC & Chelms’ younger brother, Bill, who is battling a brain tumor.  All PAX prayers and kind words are greatly appreciated.
  • Keep Turkey Leg’s mother in your prayers as well as she wages her own battle with cancer.


  • F3Dads is held every Saturday beginning at 9:00 at Colonel Francis Beatty Park off of Weddington Road.  Bring your 2.0s, boys & girls, for a fun time.
  • Last day to order F3 BRR t-shirts.  Let Baracus know if you need to order a shirt.
  • Look for e-mail from Mall Cop regarding Area 51 (not F3) running shirt.  Order will be placed in the near future.



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Abacus author

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9 years ago

Good to see Turkey Love back at it again. Love that guy.

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