Pre-blast: Anvil’s Workout In a Box

  • When:07/30/14
  • QIC: Baracus

Pre-blast: Anvil’s Workout In a Box

We’ll begin at our normal start time…5:30am.  A quick disclaimer, skip the COP and right on to business.

Groups of 3 men – each man starts at a different station.

Station 1 – Picnic Shelter

  • 20 jump-ups
  • 20 derkins
  • 20 dips
  • Run to station 2

Station 2 – Playground

  • 20 donkey kicks on swings
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 20 LBCs
  • Repeat until partner from Station 1 arrives, then run to station 3

Station 3 – Entrance 4 (at bottom of hill)

  • 10 burpees
  • Run to top of hill
  • 20 squats
  • Run to bottom of hill
  • Repeat until partner from Station 2 arrives, then run to station 1


This cycle continues until 6:15, then return to shovel flag for COT.

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Baracus author

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