6 brave pax fought off the allure of the fartsack and endured the enveloping fog for a recycled Weinke from a fill-in Q. Here is how we bonded for 60 minutes:
The Thang
Mosey to near field for COP:
Mosey to Playground for Declining Sets (10 -> 1):
After 10 -> 6, audible to catch our breath with Plank-o-rama:
Declining Sets (continued, 5 -> 1)
Mosey to Concession Stand, with lunge walk along the way
Declining Sets (21 – 15 – 9)
Mosey to Outfield
Mary (part 1)
Agility (foul line to center field and back)
Mary (part 2)
Great work out there today! Welcome to FNG Lumberg (Will M), who found us on his own #noEHrequired. Fantastic work on your first post with us. T-claps to Whitesnake who has already lost 1 pound per post (8) since beginning F3. Keep it up, brother! And strong work by all.
Couple of appearances by Larry Bird, aka Blitzen and Bubbles, at times today – we need you guys in the Q rotation at Ascent! Let me know your availability, and we’ll get you on the schedule!
The fog today made it almost unbearable at times. During COP, we couldn’t even see our cars less than 100 yards away! YHC had to audible for Plank-o-rama during our Decling Sets on the Playground just to let us catch our breath in the 100% humidity. Brutal.
Thanks, Blitzen, for taking us out and reminding us of the roles we each play, beyond our 1st F workouts.
Sound off in the comments with any other tidbits missed.
It was an honor, as always, to lead today.
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