Posted on behalf of Jamboree.
27 solid Pax converged at the CHS parking lot to experience the weekly Centurion beat down
The Thang:
Mosey (some may call it a brisk run) uphill .5 miles to The Sunshine House Parking Lot
12 Mountain Climbers (Hold it)
12 Peter Parkers (Hold it)
12 Rock Hoppers (Hold it)
12 Man Maker Merkins (Hold 6 inches 12 seconds)
12 Flutters IC w/12 second hold
12 Dollies IC w/12 second hold
12 Bicycles IC
12 Russian Twists IC
Mosey to Carmel Village to do the stair circuit
Start with 12 Hand Release Burpees then do two stair circuits
Repeato 3 times and add a final set of 12 HR Burpees (for a total of 48HR Burpees and 6 stair circuits)
Pax was given 12 minutes to complete the circuit/HR Burpees’ routine and most did.
Mosey to benches in front of CHS office. Do 12s. Run up stairs and down ramp.
11 JUs at bench area/1 Donkey kick at wall in front of office
9JU/3DK, etc.
Plank work for those who finished early
Mosey to walls by the office.
Modified Jack Webb (with Runstopper leading)
5 Derkins/60 Shoulder Air Presses (5X12 =60) while in Wall Sit
4 Derkins/ 48 Shoulder Air Presses while in Wall Sit down to 1 Derkin/12 AP in WS
Still have a couple of minutes. Finish off with 24 HR Burpees (for a total of 72 for the morning)
YHC planned out the workout earlier in the week and briefly thought about making it harder (because of some comments made by an unnamed Pax). YHC concluded that there would be sufficient pain administered. Additionally, today YHCs’ family celebrated the 2.0s’ (Campout) 12th birthday. In honor of him (but maybe not appreciated by the Pax), YHC incorporated a lot of reps of 12.
The Centurion Pax brings it every week. Today was no different. There is also a solid group consistently posting at the at the pre-KB workouts at 5:00 (today there were 8). Please comment on any observations; YHC was too focused on the pain at hand to observe. As always, it was an honor to lead.
Haywood Stock II – Tonight – see post on F3Nation site
F3 Dads – Joker on Q 0900 Saturday at Beatty Park
Mud Run Registration still open
There are still spots open for the Custom Ruck next week in Asheville (see F3 website or Checkpoint for details)
Pray for Skywalker as he recovers from an emergency Appendectomy
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