Mermaid took a water break in the middle of his Q

  • When:7-19-2014
  • QIC: Cane and Mermaid
  • The PAX: Joker (WD), Semi-Gloss, Radar, Stone Cold, McGruber, Stagecoach, Cane, Mermaid

Mermaid took a water break in the middle of his Q

Shovel flag planted firmly by Radar and waving in the rainy wind. Semi-Gloss, Radar, and Stagecoach hit the pavement for a 3.2 mile pre-run. Cane gave a quick disclaimer and we did a few laps around McGruber’s car as he pulled right at the launch time. He got out and joined us. Off we went.




Cane Q


Lap around track, stop halfway and 10 burpees OYO


SSH x 30

Merkins x 15

IW x 20

Low Slow Squats x 20

Wide Merkins x 10

10 burpees OYO


Rock Pile – grab lifting rock and circle up

Civilian Count

Squats x 15

Row x 15

Curl x 15

Overhead Press x 15

Skull Crusher x 15


Deposit rocks


Sprints with Planks

Partner up (size doesn’t matter)

Partner 1 sprints down and back (75% effort)

Partner 2 elbow plank (tight form)

Switch and repeat until everyone has run 5 times


Repeat the lap around the track with a halfway burpee stop.


Mermaid Q


Mosey to front of school to benches


Bench Set

Jump up x15

Dip x15

Derkin x15



Plank o rama


Mosey to back of the school


Group lap around track. Alternate between bear crawl, lunge walk, broad jump, mosey all the way around.


Mary: (IC) Heels to Heaven x20/Flutter x20/Bicycle x20/Protractor


Mosey to side of school for People’s Chair. 2×90 seconds with arms out/arms raises


Merkin set: 10x each civilian cadence. Regular/Offset left/Offset right


Jack Webb

1 merkin: 4 shoulder presses. Go from 2-10 and 8 to 40 (2-4-6-8-10)


Lap around track at 6:30 mile pace (set by Radar for about 2/3 of lap until he tired of setting the pace)


Mary (IC): Heels to Heaven/Flutter/Bicycle/LBC/Protractor/Heels to Heaven




Good crew out there for what YHC considers the perfect conditions for an F3 workout. Light rain and mild temperature with a break in the humidity. Radar provided pre-workout refreshments out of the back of his truck. He even had cups for everyone. Strong Q from Cane. Nice work and a pleasure to split the workout. Mumblechatter was constant from Radar who repeatedly told YHC that he had done an independent Murph yesterday at the Y and that our workout was hitting all the wrong spots for him. Solid work by all pax today. Semi-Gloss continued his shirtless streak. He also took us out in BOM. Thanks for both. Day Zero always a good way to start the weekend.



Check the weekly email and website. Mud Run F3 registration extended. Sign up men

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Stage Coach
10 years ago

Great Q Cane and Mermaid. I’m smoked. Stone Cold was also there for the pre-run.

10 years ago

Thanks Stage Coach for giving SC credit for the run and for feedback. Sent BB to Radar w/o a name and that is what I get. No surprise. Contacted Dora to get posting privileges. Solid morning out there.

10 years ago

Thanks Stage Coach for giving SC credit for the run and for feedback. Sent BB to Radar w/o a name and that is what I get. No surprise. Contacted Dora to get posting privileges. Solid morning out there.

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