10 men entered the gloom this morning to clear the induced haze from the July 4th celebration the day/night before.
The Main Event:
1/2 mile mosey from SVMS, past the VSF and on to the SVHS stadium. Scale the 5′ concrete wall (huh, who knew the side gate was open) and onto the rails. 2 rounds of railslides (4 sections long). Once around sliding right and repeato left to balance us out and then head to the 50 yard line for COP.
SSH x25, IWs x20, Merkins x20 & Mountain Climbers x20
Mosey over to the stadium and partner up for a little Stairway to Heaven in honor of Double E’s absence.
Partner A runs the stairs while Partner B performs said exercises and flapjack until the cumulative # of exercises is complete.
Round 1: 300 dips
Round 2: 200 derkins
Round 3: 100 diamond derkins (Shine Bright)
Exit the stadium, mosey over to the practice fields and line up shoulder to shoulder. AYG 60 yard sprint to the coaches tower and back.
CT takes the reins of these thoroughbreds to really bring the pain.
Grab a Rock from the rock pile
– Louganis x20
– 4 count Sweepers x10
Line up @ end of practice field with your partner
– Partner Pepper Pods approx 50 yards out and back
2 trips through the Tunnel of Love pushing your rock/ruck
Carry your rock overhead to the Dip bars and grab your partner
– Partner 1 does 4 count Manmaker Merkins x10
– Partner 2 does Supine pull-ups x20
– repeato
Carry your rock overhead back and return it to Rock pile
Mosey back over to the Shovel Flag
– Burpees x10
– LBCs x10
Great work by all today as everyone really pushed Hard. Mid way through the 1st round of stairway to heaven the PAX happened to notice this cosmic fireball coming across the practice field straight for us at an alarming rate of speed. We weren’t sure whether or not to take cover or wait it out and see what it was. Turns out it was none other than Snowman!
Even though showing up a little tardy, Snowman made up for arriving a few minutes late by running an extra mile over to the middle school and then to the high school in search of…. Well I think he found what he was looking for. #brotherhood #U2
HH and CT were smoking the PAX during the STH sessions. #smokeboots. However, the PAX was quick to question their creative math skills on the combined exercises at coffeeteria. Rumor has it that they teamed up with the 2.0s (Boonedock and Bellyflop) who informed them that by counting by two’s you get done quicker. The jusry is still out on this one.
Strong work by the Late Show as well. Man that cat is as cool as the other side of the pillow. Goes about his work quietly while being out front and really pushing everyone in his own stealth kind of way.
HH and DT were also out front most of the day and DT was toting a backpack carrying who knows what no less. #RUCK. HH, for someone who says they hate running, it’s sure hard to tell these days brother. #prefontaine #kenyan
It was absolutely my pleasure to lead such a great group of young men. Great work by all today as everyone really pushed it. The coffeeteria is always a really nice extra bonus. #fellowship
F3 Dads this Saturday at Freedom Park and Colonel Beatty Park @9am.
Until Next Time —
Zip is Out!
Oh there is always mumblechatter but the morning after 4th of July & vacations caused too much O2 deprivation for me at least.
And I think Zip meant to put HB not HH next to the “hate running” quote but you all probably knew that already. 🙂
I was thinking about my anniversary Q coming up and realized it is almost the 1yr anniversary for Outland also! I missed the 1st week or 2 because I did Ascent & the Rock my first Saturdays if I remember right.
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