#F3Swift – Captain Jack’s Revenge

  • When:07/08/14
  • QIC: Bratwurst
  • The PAX: Pulled Pork, Morning After, Honeybee, Tootie, Madame Tussaud, Brisket, Undertaker, Abacus, Soft Pretzel, the Mouth, Bratwurst

#F3Swift – Captain Jack’s Revenge

The VSF was planted and 11 PAX disembarked on the journey from Charlotte NC to Philadelphia to deliver the signed Independence papers of Mecklenburg County to the Continental Congress.  OK, so we stopped short on James Jack Ln.  We wanted to feel like the famous Captain Jack.  The first one, not the second one.

Captain James Jack

Captain Jack Sparrow


  • 1.9mi easy warm-up from the Vine to the base of the hill on James Jack Ln (see http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/537141097 or http://www.strava.com/activities/163227691/overview for details on the route).
  • At your 1 mile Race Pace effort (top end we run at Swift), run 200m up “Captain Jack hill”, jog 200m back down, run 200m up “CJ”, jog 400m down and past starting point to top of next hill, turn around and run 400m down and then up finishing on top of “CJ”, jog 300m down
  • Repeat once more
  • After the 2nd cycle and a brief recovery, run at 80% (slightly slower than marathon pace) back to the AO.
  • Regroup and head to COT to hear the moans of Bagpipers

The Moleskin:

  • Read the preblast for who is Captain Jack?
  • Hill repeats were the name of the game today.  Total of 1 mile up/down at very hard pace.  Plus VERY rolling 1.0mi plus on the way home at 80% pace.  YHC had difficulty explaining 80% pace, and Brisket hit it on the nose with “slightly uncomfortable”.  Due to the hill on Ballantyne Commons at the end, it was probably more like “very uncomfortable”.
  • Running up and down hills is not just good BRR prep, but that’s mostly why we’re doing it, it’s great speedwork if done controlled and in good form.  Pace is important to start and finish the interval in good form.  You don’t want to go too fast and then struggle to finish the interval with your form breaking down.  It’s the same in the BRR – there’s always another hill (up or down) ahead.  Here are a couple of good articles on Hill Running: http://runnersconnect.net/running-training-articles/hill-running-training/ and http://runnersconnect.net/running-training-articles/how-to-run-hills/
  • Pulled Pork and Morning After (both Swift FNGs) have been hitting the extra 15min warm-up often with Swift prior to Bagpipe, but as we were on some uncharted territory during the warm-up and reasonably far away from the AO, they soldiered on.  The EH worked!
  • Great to have Soft Pretzel (though Puppy Love calls him “Softie”) back in the PAX.  He must have answered the APB from last week.
  • Honeybee has figured out the right ratios for maximum power on hills, or that dude is just designed for hills.
  • Once again, we took to M. Tussaud’s fav run course, but trying to get him to look at it differently hopefully worked!
  • The mileage at Swift has been getting a little longer each week, but Tootie, Undertaker, and Abacus keep coming out and are showing the gains.
  • YHC thinks that “The Mouth” has earbuds to hear himself speak his own mantras into his ear.  How else does someone get the nickname “The Mouth” but is just a little quiet on the runs?  Oh yeah, we were all breathing hard because of the hills.


  • F3 Dads – Col. Beatty Park this Saturday.  Meet at the Softball fields (near the big playground) at 9am.
  • BRR shirt – pick one out and we will do a group order to be delivered at Bagpipe / Swift. Money collected at pickup. Email paul.wuerslin@gmail.com if interested.  Link here = http://f3.mudgear.com/products/f3-2014-brr-shirt.  We have at least 3 planning to order (the minimum to avoid shipping costs), so join us now.  Will order by August 1st.

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Bratwurst author

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