A few of my least favorite things

  • When:07/07/14
  • QIC: Uncle Leo
  • The PAX: Binary, O'Tannenbaum, Turkey Leg, Fraggle (kotters), Chipotle, Uncle Leo (Q)

A few of my least favorite things

6 men toed the line at the Matrix for Uncle Leo’s Least Favorites. Today we brought together 3 of my least favorite exercises paired with some running to keep everyone happy and O2 deprived.

The Thang:


Jog to back lot for COP:

Lunge warm-up (5 forward, 5 forward with twist, 5 lateral and 5 backward)

SSH x 20 in cadence

IW x 20 in cadence

Merkin x 10 in cadence


Jog to the Jungle Gym for round 1:

3 groups cycle through 3 exercises for 10 minutes: pull-ups, dips and run to far island and back


Jog to sidewalk by the field for round 2:

Partner up and Partner 1 runs to 2nd light pole and back while Partner 2 does burpees. Flap jack, rinse and repeat for 10 minutes


Move into field for Mary

LBC x 20 in cadence

Dolly x 20 in candence (hold ‘em)

LBC to right x 10 in cadence, to left x 10 in cadence

Rosalita x 20 in cadence

The Reacher with right arm x 10 in cadence, with left arm x 10 in cadence

[Reacher is elbow plank on one arm while other arm reaches forward and is pulled back to extension by your hip]

CCV x 10 in cadence on right, x10 in cadence on left


Jog to the lair of the blocks for round 3:

Partner up and Partner 1 runs to light pole and back while Partner 2 does called exercise with blocks. 2 rounds each of overhead press, curls and 3 rounds squats


Bear crawl ½ way back to lot then AYG second ½ to lot




1)      Thin crowd today, YHC is not taking it personally.

2)      The lunge warm up seemed to catch everyone off guard. Sound off in the comments if it was worthwhile or not

3)      Lots of mumble chatter coming from Turkey Leg and Binary during round 1. Not sure what was discussed but it stopped when the burpees started.

4)      Even after trying to slow him down with a bear crawl, Turkey Leg blew us all away in the last sprint to the lot

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Uncle Leo author

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