Olympic Ascent

  • When:07/05/14
  • QIC: High Tide
  • The PAX: Blitzen, Stump Hugger, Crabcake, Deep Dish, Goon, Gullah, Swiss Miss, Geraldo, High Tide (QIC)

Olympic Ascent

9 PAX converged on the fields of Olde Providence to test themselves and push their limits.  Here’s how they did it:

The Thang

Grab your kettlebell, mosey to the open field, drop ’em, and circle up!


  • Side Straddle Hop (with disclosure)
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Arm Circles
  • Imperial Walkers

Sufficiently warmed and loosened, mosey to the playground


  • 5 pullups
  • 10 pushups
  • 15 squats
  • Rinse & Repeat for 20 minutes (keep track of the number of rounds you complete for personal benchmarking)

Mosey back to open field to catch our breath with Mary


  • Elbow Plank
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Mason Twist
  • LBC’s
  • Elbow Plank
  • Sid the Kid

Breath caught, mosey to the small ball field opposite the playground, grabbing your kettlebell on the way.

Armor Builders

  • Partner up with like-size kettlebells.
  • P1 – 2 double cleans, 1 double press, 3 double front squats
  • P2 – run to fence, touch the sign, and back
  • Flapjack
  • Rinse & repeat for 5x each partner.

Single KB Work

  • 10 2-hand swings
  • 10 goblet squats
  • 10 overhead presses
  • Run to fence, touch the sign, and back
  • Repeat 4 more times, declining reps by 2 each time (10-8-6-4-2)

Agility Work

  • Karaoke to infield & back
  • Backpeddle to infield & back
  • Toy Soldier to infield & backpeddle back
  • Elbow planks

Mosey to parking lot



  • Fall USMC Mud Run signups
  • F3 Dads summer camp signups


Great work, guys!  As Strange Brew likes to say, “it’s moderate, but it ain’t easy.”  He wasn’t out here today, but it’s a safe bet that he would have said that at least once today!  While easily modifiable, up or down, the CrossFit Cindy benchmark workout is easily the hardest workout done regularly at Ascent, and the KB’s are always challenging too, especially after Cindy.  T-claps to all for pushing yourselves today!

The mumble chatter started early, during YHC’s disclosure while SSH’ing (lost my count #amateur), and continuing throughout.  Much more fun that #sadclowning in a #fern somewhere.  YHC overheard one comment, something to the effect of, “after Cindy and now Mary, I’m not sure I want to meet anymore ladies of Ascent!”  Well said!

Since Ascent launched last August, we’ve ran the Cindy workout quarterly to assess ourselves and see how we’re progressing.  YHC can attest to improving each and every time, and it’s likely you all have as well.  Special shout out to Crabcake, who set the new Ascent record of 20 rounds in 20 minutes!  That’s equivalent to The Murph, less the running!  (YHC had the former record of 18, surpassing that with 19 today, but behind Crabcake!)  Keep it up, guys!

Thanks to the Olympus pax for converging with us at Ascent today.  Hopefully you got your money’s worth today.


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High Tide author

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