Welcome Back Partay

  • When:07/03/14
  • QIC: Spackler
  • The PAX: Crab Cake, Bulldog, Frehleys Comet (WD), Chipotle, Purple Haze, Radar, Housekeeping, Open Goal (FNG John Shaw), Sasquatch, Firemen Ed, Fluffa (FNG - Jim Loftus), Dirty D, Mighty Mite, Penguin, Vineyard (WB) , JR Ewing, Outback

Welcome Back Partay

18 pax including 2 FNG’s attended Spackler’s Welcome Back to Merica Partay.  YHC provided beverages and lots of fun was had by all.

The Thang

Mosey to other side of lot for COP

SSH x 25

10 burpees OYO

CDD’s x 25

8 burpees OYO

IW x 25

Mosey across Elm St to the field of trees – partner up

Partner 1 runs down to tree line (~200 yards there and back) while partner 2 does merkins – flapjack until 200 cumulative completed

Repeat with Flutter as exercise – audible halfway through because of Radar

Mosey to bottom of Murderhorn

AYG to the top and plank.  Back down to bottom

AYG to 1st lightpost – backwards to 2nd lightpost – forward to 3rd – backwards to finish

Mosey back to parking lot and line up at bottom of hill for 5×5’s

5 diamonds at top of hill / 5 jump squats at bottom – repeat 5 times

Circle up – Six min of Mary





Ye Ole Moleskine

Not a better way to jump right back into reality after a long trip overseas then to shake off the cob webs with Q 3 days after return.  Appreciate you all dealing with the rustiness.  And by rustiness I mean the rusty, crusty sounds that continue to be released by Radar time and time again.  You probably have a rusty stain in your shorts, pal.  Speaking of pal, welcome back to RY Bulldog.  I should have kept you on MH all morning just to hear you say bullocks.  Bullocks.  Rubbish.  As always, MH is part of this Q’s routine.  Why not?  It’s hard.  It sucks.  It makes you better.  Deal with it.  Mighty Mite loves MH.  He was a bit overly excited this morning and gave it a little much on the 1st run.  #numbhands #numbfeet.  T claps to Housekeeping for EH’ing 2 FNG’s today – Open Goal and Fluffa.  Great work by you two guys.  As I type this, Purple Haze is probably curled up in a fetal position listening to the Crying Game looking at his grass stained new white shoes.  But he sure can lead a good prayer at the end of a workout.  Thank you site chaplain.


4th of July Convergence tomorrow at Calvary Church – 7am

No F3 Dads this weekend

Sign up for the Mudrun

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Spackler author

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Purple Haze
10 years ago

Indeed, I was planning on a lot more Murderhorn street time when I laced up the new running shoes this morning. Instead, I got burpees in the parking lot, sprints in the high grass with rough terrain and the triple nickel on the theatre hill. New Brooks…ripped up soles and all grass stained up. I would retire them to mowing shoes, if I had a yard. Thanks Spackler!

10 years ago

Haze, why don’t you come over to my house and I’ll help you retire those shoes to mowing shoes. I have over an acre that needs mowing.

10 years ago

Good to have you back Spackles! What is MH by the way and its bollocks not bullocks!

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