The Run Around

  • When:06/30/14
  • QIC: Floor Slapper
  • The PAX: O'Tannenbaum, Binary, Clown Car, Lobster Roll, Crab Cake, Chipotle, Uncle Leo, Floor Slapper (Q)

The Run Around

8 brave men set out on a 45 minute tour

Warm up: side straddle (20), Imp walk (20), Mountain climber (20), Peter Parker (12)

Tour of Pain:
10 pull ups, 20 squats at jungle gym
Run to track
20 partner push ups w/ plank, 20 sit ups
Run to back jungle gym
20 dips, 20 reverse push ups
Run to stumps
20 stump jump ups, 20 incline push ups
Run to 1st jungle gym
20 jump sqats, 10 burpees

Reverse back through above back to beginning

Wall of pain, 25 air presses
lunge walk

100 yard karaoke and back
100 yard backwards run and back
100 yard jog and back, 75 % and back, 100% and back

5 minutes Mary : mason twist, flutter, rosalita, bicycle

Group wrapped up with plenty of energy

Posted on behalf of Floor Slapper

About the author

Uncle Leo author

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