Are you sure that wasn’t the French Army Handbook?

  • When:06/28/14
  • QIC: Honey Bee
  • The PAX: Fireman Ed, Snowflake, Madame Tussauds, Market Timer, Puppy Love, Blow Hole, Mr. Bean, Saskwatch, Pinkman, Loogie, Rip Curl, Housekeeping, FNG-Blue Jay, Morning After, Brisket, Mic Check, Frasier, Haggis, Deep Dish, Market Timer, Honey Bee (QIC)

Are you sure that wasn’t the French Army Handbook?

20 men embarked on a grand experiment this AM at Stonehenge.  YHC had obtained an Army training manual from my neighbor Silk and excited to actually do things “by the book”, dove in and designed a workout that would make even General Patraeus proud to behold.  That’s not really how it went…

The Thang:

It started normally enough with a jog down to the office parking lot for the Preparation Drill.

Called the 4 for the Core regimen that was some bent leg raise, side bridge, back bridge, and quadraplex each held for 60 seconds.  The PAX played along well enough with the impression that things were about to get serious at any minute.  Mic Check, Fireman Ed, and Haggis were biting their tongues.

Next up in the Preparation Drill was some Hip Stability action.  This was where some mumblechatter started from those who had previously remained silent.  Sensing a potential uprising brewing, YHC cut this section short with just the lateral leg raise, medial leg raise, and lateral bent let raise on each side to a 15 count.  A collective relief was nearly palpable when YHC said that’s it and lets go.  Surely, things were about to get real.

After entering the field of the bulls and circling up, it was time for Conditioning Drill 1.  A quick bend and reach was called and then a high jumper.  This is where Haggis and Mic Check could not take it any more.  This surely was not the same manual that was used to train the bad arse men that defend our freedom!  It must be Canadian mountie manual (sorry Blue Jay) or French Armée de Terre book or something.  This just wasn’t American.

So with the wheels coming off the tracks, a quick 40 ‘murkins were called in cadence to bring back some testosterone to the COP. Since Mic Check was still jibba jabbering, the next call was 10 burpees OYO.  This quieted the rebellion somewhat as all were now working up some O2 deficit.

A few more items were salvaged from the Weinke.  These were the rower for 20 or so (questionable cadence call) and the prone row for another 20 or so.  These were the manliest things left on the list so the PAX headed off to get to the main event.

Next up the PAX headed for the workout trail with a stop for 40 LBC’s OYO on the way.  Once in the workout trail by the pullup bars, the rest of the plan unfolded.  The PAX divided up by 3’s and then found a partner.  Here is what happened next…

Group 1: Pull-ups x 50 (partner help if needed)

Group 2: Merkins x 100 and Squats x 200

Group 3: Situps x 100 (partners hold feet and then flapjack)

Rotate through each section when complete.

This was basically a mini-Murph with 100 situps thrown in.  Situps don’t sound hard but they are when you are doing that many with limited rest.  Each station was also difficult because there wasn’t significant rest between sets so that fatigue seemed to build on each progressive set.  It was a good burn.

Once that was done, the PAX moseyed up to the parking lot for a quick shuttle run 4 at a time ending away from the other PAX.  Some great effort was seen here by all.  Especially FNG – Blue Jay who resembles Usain Bolt when in all out sprint mode.  Nice first post brother!

Time was up at this point so a mosey / all you got back to COT was all that was left.

The Moleskin:

– Basically it was a Q quasi-fail today (only the mini-Murph saved it).  Thanks for the laughs though.  You guys are great!

Over and out…


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Honey Bee author

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10 years ago

Never thought I could laugh that hard through burpees, but when the Tomatoes passed and Mic Check threw out the comment about them missing us doing Kegel exercises, I about died.
Them we got to the serious part of the workout, and I about died a different way.
Great Q when all was said and done, Honey Bee!

Mic Check
Mic Check
10 years ago

I appreciate your willingness to try new things Bee to keep things fresh and challenge the PAX. I thought you were “punking”us at the start of the workout, I was looking around for the camera crew.

Loogie was the one who initially got me laughing as he said he was glad we started doing merkins when the lady joggers were passing by.

You rebounded nicely because I was smoked after the rest of the workout. Thanks to the beast Tussaud for pushing me. He’s a tough partner to keep up with.

Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
10 years ago

Mic Check was so impressed with these exercises from Saturday that he did them for his warm-up before Foxhole this morning.

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