32 pax (with 1 FNG) from #F3Joust and #F3Kevlar converged on the Joust AO at Charlotte Christian School for a hot & humid downPAINment. The Kevlar pax were guaranteed in the Preblast tweet that they’d be introduced to Grandma Mountain, so YHC hopes they weren’t dissapointed! Check out the video below to see how we finally settled on an “appropirate name” at the end of the COT for our FNG:
The Thang:
Mosey to the back of the school and to the track, over to run stadium stairs, and then back out to the center of the football field for a brief COP:
SSH x 25
Imperial Walkers x 25
She Hate Me for 7 minutes: 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 LBCs over and over again for the entire 7 minutes while 4 of the staggler pax from Kevlar finally make their way out to the fields to join us.
Mosey to the base of Grandma Mountain for 11s with Merkins at the top and burpees at the bottom.
Various Planks throughout the entire workout lead by the early finishers of the exercises while waiting on all the pax to finish.
Partner Up (size matters later on) and half the pax run up to the playground equipment at the top of Grandma Mountain, while the other half of the pax run up the stadium stairs to the playground equipment at the top behind the stadium seats for:
Partner 1 does 10 Pull-Ups while Partner 2 does 10 Burpees, Flapjack.
Repeat for 4 total Sets
Pax regroup on the sideline of the field for Partner Carry accross the football field, Flapjack for Partner Carry back accross the football field.
Prarie Fire Mary for 10 each leg throws to the Left, Right, and Center. Flapjack.
Next Exercise by popular demand of our fearless leader TR was “Blue Door”! Run from the football field up Grandma Mountain and keep going to touch the blue door of a classroom on the school building.
Mosey out to the side parking lot and re-group for a jail break back to the COT!
Great showing by all the pax this morning for a mini-convergence of Joust and Kevlar while the Kevlar AO undergoes some improvements. Thanks for the opportunity to lead such a great group of guys, I hope everyone got their moneys worth. YHC had 1 main goal today and that was to introduce the Kevlar pax to Grandma Mountain. What better way than to do 11s on such a beast of a hill!
Welcome out to F3 to our FNG Buckwheat (B. Knupp). The first nickname idea floated out there (Deez Knupps) while quite funny just wasn’t quite right. Buckwheat is what we settled on and that came from the Eddie Murphy skit in the YouTube video link posted at the top of the backblast where Buckwheat sings “Lookin For Nub In All Da Wong Places”! Classic SNL there boys!
The school must have just recently added some more rubber pellets to the fields as we had them all in our shoes and hair. Hope everyone’s M’s are forgiving about all the tiny black pellets left all over the house once you got home.
F3Dads continues tomorrow for week #2 with Baracus on Q. Great turnout last week with over 100 pax and 2.0s.
Until Next Time!
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